Releases: dprZoft/shelvesetcomparer
ShelvesetComparer for VS2022 v1.4.1.22
- Updated for Microsoft Marketplace release (package name, separate GUID between VS versions, adapted assembly info and vsix author fields)
- Updated readme with description and links
Full Changelog: v1.0.4.22...SC-v1.4.1.22
ShelvesetComparer for VS2019 v1.4.1.19
- Updated for Microsoft Marketplace release (package name, separate GUID between VS versions, adapted assembly info and vsix author fields)
- Updated readme with description and links
Full Changelog: v1.0.4.19...SC-v1.4.1.19
DiffFinder for VS2022 v1.5.0.22
- When comparing with Pending Changes the local file is used for file diff (allows direct edit of local file)
- Updated for Microsoft Marketplace release (package name, separate GUID between VS versions, adapted assembly info and vsix author fields)
- Added example images and readme
Full Changelog: DiffFinder-v1.4.1.22...DiffFinder-v1.5.0.22
DiffFinder for VS2019 v1.5.0.19
- When comparing with Pending Changes the local file is used for file diff (allows direct edit of local file)
- Updated for Microsoft Marketplace release (package name, separate GUID between VS versions, adapted assembly info and vsix author fields)
- Added example images and readme
Full Changelog: DiffFinder-v1.0.4.19....DiffFinder-v1.5.0.19
DiffFinder v1.4.1.22 (VS2022)
- Update Package and CommandSet GUIDs to different values than ShelvesetComparer -> this allows both extensions and their commands to exist in parallel.
- fixes hamidshahid#19
- changed version scheme to allow releases with minor fixes like this: 1.4.1.[vs-version] (-> (old) 1.0.4 == (new)1.4.0)
This is a DiffFinder release for VS2022.
Full Changelog: DiffFinder-v1.0.4.22...DiffFinder-v1.4.1.22
ShelvesetComparer v1.0.4.22 (VS2022)
- Fix loading of Package (loaded also when using the TeamExplorer buttons)
- Enable undocking of Shelveset selection window in TeamExplorer
- Changed logging to "General" output pane
This is a ShelvesetComparer release for VS2022.
You can find the (improved) DiffFinder release here:
ShelvesetComparer v1.0.4.19
- Fix loading of Package (loaded also when using the TeamExplorer buttons)
- Enable undocking of Shelveset selection window in TeamExplorer
- Changed logging to "General" output pane
This is a ShelvesetComparer release for VS2019, for VS2022 check other releases.
For the more improved DiffFinder, also check other releases.
DiffFinder v1.0.4.19
- Fix loading of Package (loaded also when using the TeamExplorer buttons)
- Enable undocking of Shelveset selection window in TeamExplorer
- Changed logging to "General" output pane
This is a DiffFinder release for VS2019, for VS2022 check other releases.
DiffFinder v1.0.4.22 (VS2022)
- Fix loading of Package (loaded also when using the TeamExplorer buttons)
- Enable undocking of Shelveset selection window in TeamExplorer
- Changed logging to "General" output pane
This is a DiffFinder release for VS2022.
ShelvesetComparer v1.0.3.22
This is the ShelvesetComparer release for VS2022.
You can find the (improved) DiffFinder release here:
- First VS2022 release:
- Updated references to VS2022
- Fix Async Analyzer warnings