Releases: dpjudas/UT99VulkanDrv
VulkanDrv 2.13
Allow negative UV scale factors when using a clamping sampler.
Enable gamma in the editor.
VulkanDrv 2.12
Fixes blinking actors for both D3D11Drv and VulkanDrv.
Implements the bloom pass for VulkanDrv.
VulkanDrv 2.11
Updates VulkanDrv with the same features that were added to D3D11Drv, including some performance improvements and editor support.
Misc minor bug fixes for D3D11Drv.
VulkanDrv 2.10
This version adds a bloom pass to D3D11Drv along with a few minor buffer size optimizations.
VulkanDrv 2.9
Implements the 469 DrawGouraudTriangles function (better performance).
Improves the advanced settings menu.
Reworked the properties in the ini file to have better names and work better with the menu.
VulkanDrv 2.8
HDR mode fixes.
Add for support for the advanced settings menu in game.
Fix missing icons in editor.
Add GammaOffset and XOpenGL gamma mode.
VulkanDrv 2.7
Fixes corrupt block compressed textures when they are less than 4 pixel wide or tall.
Add depth test to lines in editor.
Use newer DXGI swap chain for presentation.
VulkanDrv 2.6
Fixes alt-tab issues for D3D11Drv.
Added editor support for D3D11Drv.
Some other bug fixes I can't remember anymore.
VulkanDrv 2.5
Fix lightmap brightness
Fix desaturated look
Fix gamma scale
Fix d3d11 modulated blend mode
VulkanDrv 2.4
Add LODBias, OneXBlending and ActorBlending support to D3D11Drv.
Increase max texture resolution for D3D11Drv.