This application is a continuation of my university final-year project. It allows the user to assemble 3d objects on a virtual stage, define positions and properties of lighting instruments, and visualise the scene based on lighting data received by the Open Lighting Architecture.
- Assimp
- Boost 1.72
- filesystem
- log
- log_setup
- program_options
- system
- thread
- CMake
- Google Protobuf
- OLA (Open Lighting Architecture)
- OpenGL
- yaml-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
Binary will be located at build/visualiser
./visualiser show_name.vis
Note: currently, the executable must be located at the same level as the show files.
├── demo.vis
├── gel.colours
├── gobos
│ ├── 228.png
│ ├── 673.png
│ ├── 77053.png
│ └── ...
├── models
│ ├── armchair
│ │ ├── armchair.mtl
│ │ └── armchair.obj
│ ├── floor
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── shaders
│ └── ...
└── visualiser
Read docs/
for the show file specification.
Read docs/
for the gel colours file specification.