This repository contains a simple API that serves as a kickstart for new projects using FastAPI, SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL. It's built with a simple layered architecture, containing domain, service, repository and controller layers. With this layered architecture approach, it's possible to separate concerns and make the codebase more maintainable and scalable.
It's also possible to add more layers if responsibilities grow within a specific layer. That being said, it's important to keep in mind that layers should be as independent as possible, and the dependencies should always point inwards, otherwise, could lead to ciclic dependencies mainly because of Pydantic schemas.
- Main frameworks and packages:
- FastAPI
- SQLAlchemy (PostgreSQL database).
Install Python (version 3.10).
In project folder, execute the following commands:
pip install pipenv
export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT="enabled"
mkdir .venv
pipenv shell
source .venv/Scripts/activate
Create a .env file with the required environment variables see [.env.example]
Run the following installation command:
pipenv install --dev
On virtual environment, execute
pipenv run start
While running the server, one can access the API documentation.
- Improve middleware inclusion on app
- Add profiler (pyinstrument)
- Add generic JWT Auth
- Add endpoints that require auth
- Add alembic setup