Basic python library for communications with the STM23 Motor + Drive over an ethernet connection
import STM23Q
motor = STM23Q.STM23Q_udp(socket_ip = ..., socket_port = ..., motor_ip = ...)
motor.send(b'RS') # Request status
motor.recv() # Get response from motor. Expected b'RS=R'
A STM23Q.STM23Q_udp._TimeoutExcept
is raised if there is no reply from the motor available
See Notes on Ethernet Config for configuration of socket_ip
is apparently not very important as long as it is unused. A new socket port is required for each motor connected. According to pg 22 of the Hardware Manual the STM23 drive responds to whatever ip/port sends the first command
is dependent on the rotary switch located on the motor. See page 21 of the Hardware Manual. Please remember to power cycle the motor after adjusting the rotary switch.
Queries are typically two letter capital commands. Changing motor settings typically is a two letter command followed by a number.
See Host Command Reference for valid motor commands.
class STM23Q_udp(builtins.object)
| STM23Q_udp(socket_ip='', socket_port=7774, motor_ip='')
| UDP Communications with the STM23Q Motor
| Methods defined here:
| __del__(self)
| Closes socket
| __init__(self, socket_ip='', socket_port=7774, motor_ip='')
| See page 21-22 of STM23 Hardware Manual for `motor_ip` and `motor_port` info
| See docs/ for `socket_ip` and `socket_port` info
| check_response(self, resp)
| Checks motor response for invalid header or term chars
| returns: Response without header and term chars
| cleanup_socket(self)
| Remove all data in the socket.
| recv(self)
| Receive single response packet from motor. Returns bytestring
| send(self, msg)
| Sends bytestring `msg` to socket
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| buffer_size = 1024
| default_timeout = 0.1
| eSCL_header = b'\x00\x07'
| motor_port = 7775
| term_char = b'\r'