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Computer Graphic - Lab 01 - 2D Object Drawing

Student Information

  • Name: Tran Ngoc Do
  • ID: 20120057
  • Class: 20TN

Source code

Project structure

    ├─── app
    │   ├─── object/
    │   ├─── utils/
    |   └─── main.cpp
    └─── Sample-Input/
  • Source code is stored in ./sources/app, the entry point is int main(int, char**) from ./sources/app/main.cpp.

  • object folder store all the class objects that make the source code structure more clearly and easy to follow.

  • utils this folder contains all the code that handler main processing like object-rendering, Algorithms, or some helper functions such as Timer, Path, ...


Linux or WSL - Use Makefile


  • C++ version: C++17

  • GNU make

The Makefile includes some helpful flags:

  • all: compile all the dependencies if needed and link everything to binary executable file named 20120057. The release file will be put on the ./Release foler.

  • test: Run program with default input file (multiple objects will be printed on the glut window). Program will be recompiled if needed.

  • clean: Clean all oject files that required by linker.

  • setup: Automatic setup all of the necessary.

Windows OS or MacOS - Use Visual Vtudio


  • C++ version: C++17

  • C version: C14

First of all, glut and opengl must be installed on your machine. Follow this link to install glut and opengl on your machine. Then, open the project in Visual Studio 2019 and enjoy the source code.

Note: All the configurations of project and solution is set.

Application instruction

To execute the program, use the following command:

  [path_to_executable] [algorithm] [extra parameters]
  • Draw a single line in the glut windows:

    • algorithm code:
      • -1: Use built-in method
      • 0 : Use DDA algorithm
      • 1 : Use Bresenham algorithm
    • parameters: x1, y1, x2, y2; where (x1, y1), (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the first and last vertices respectively.
  • Draw a single circle in the glut windows:

    • algorithm code:
      • 2 : Use Midpoint algorithm
    • parameters: xc, yc, r; where (xc, yc) is the coordinate of the center, and r is the radius of the circle.
  • Draw a single elipse in the glut windows:

    • algorithm code:
      • 3 : Use Midpoint algorithm
    • parameters: xc, yc, rx, ry; where (xc, yc) is the coordinate of the center, and rx, ry are the length of semi-major and semi-minor axis of the elipse in that order.
  • Draw a single parapole in the glut windows:

    • algorithm code:
      • 4 : Use Midpoint algorithm
    • parameters: xc, yc, p; where (xc, yc) is the coordinate of the center, and p is the distance from center to focal point.
  • Draw a single hyperpole in the glut windows:

    • algorithm code:
      • 5 : Use Midpoint algorithm
    • parameters: xc, yc, rx, ry; where (xc, yc) is the coordinates of the center then rx and ry are the semi-length of transverse axis.

To draw multiple objects, use the following command:

  [path_to_executable] -f [path_to_file]
  • Input file is a multiple-line where each line contains the information of an object. The format of each line as followed:
  [algorithm] [extra parameters]