Releases: dotnetcore/CAP
Releases · dotnetcore/CAP
Bug Fixed:
- Fix kafka consumer group does not works bug. (#541)
- Fix cast object to primitive types failed bug. (#547)
- Fix subscriber primitive types convert exception. (#568)
- Add conosole app sample.
- Upgrade Confluent.Kafka to 1.4.3
Bug Fixed :
- Change ISubscribeInvoker interface access modifier to public. (#537)
- Fix rabbitmq connection may be reused when close forced. (#533)
- Fix dahsboard message reexecute button throws exception bug. (#525)
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed diagnostics event data object error. (#504 )
- Fixed RabbitMQ transport check not working. (#503 )
- Fixed Azure Service Bus subscriber error. (#502 )
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed Dashboard requeue and reconsume failed bug. (#482 )
- Fixed Azure service bus null reference exception. (#483 )
- Fixed type cast exception from storage. (#473 )
- Fixed SqlServer connection undisponse bug. (#477 )
Breaking Changes
In this version, we have made major improvements to the code structure, which have introduced some destructive changes.
Publisher and Consumer are not compatible with older versions
This version is not compatible with older versions of the message protocol because we have improved the format in which messages are published and stored.
Interface changes
We have done a lot of refactoring of the code, and some of the interfaces may be incompatible with older versions
Detach the dashboard project
- Supports .NET Core 3.1.
- Upgrade dependent packages.
- New serialization interface
to support serialization of message body sent to MQ.
- Add new api for
to publish message with headers.
- Diagnostics event structure and names improved. #378
- Support consumer method to read the message headers. #472
- Support rename message storage tables. #435
- Support for Kafka to write such as Offset and Partition to the header. #374
- Improved the processor retry interval time. #444
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed SqlServer dashboard sql query bug. #470
- Fixed Kafka health check bug. #436
- Fixed dashboard bugs. #412 #404
- Fixed transaction bug for sql server when using EF. #402
Bug Fixed:
- SQL Server Options Bug.
- Fix transaction scope disposed bug. (#365)
- Fix thread safe issue of ICapPublisher bug. (#371)
- Improved Ctrl+C action raised exception issue.
- Fixed asynchronous exception catching bug of sending.
- Fix MatchPoundUsingRegex "." not escaped bug (#373)
- Improved logs record.
- Upgrade dependent nuget packages version. (MySqlConnector, confluent-kafka-dotnet-1.0 )
- NodeId type change to string of DiscoveryOptions for Consul. (#314)
- Change the IConsumerServiceSelector interface access modifier to public. (#333)
- Improved RabbitMQOptions to provide extensions option to configure the client original configuration. (#350)
- Add index for MongoDB CAP collections. (#353)
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed consumer re-register transport bug. (#329)
- Handle messages retrieval failure. (#324)
- Fixed DiagnosticListener null reference exception bug. (#335)
- Add subscription name validation for the AzureServerBus. (#344)
- Fixed thread safety issues of publisher. (#331)
- Support Azure Service Bus. #307
- Support In-Memory Storage. #296
- Upgrade Dapper to version 1.60.1
- Support read environment variables
as the snowflake algorithm workerid and datacenterid.
Bug Fixed:
- Modify MySQL cap table encoding to
. #305
- Move
class to DotNetCore.CAP
- Fixed multiple instance snowflake algorithm generating primary key conflicts. #294
Startup the CAP with the .NET Core 2.1 BackgroundService. #265
Improved message delivery performance. #261
Bug Fixed:
Fixed PostgreSql version isolation feature bug. #256
Fixed SQL Server sql bug for dashboard search. #266
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed MongoDB version isolation feature bug. (#253)