Ikariam Discord Bot is a Discord Bot for the browser game Ikariam. The bot makes it easy to find information about players, islands and alliances quickly and adds features that are not even available in the game itself. The bot is made to show information mobile friendly, so you can enjoy the awesome features of the bot on mobile without any frustration.
For information on how to add the bot to your own Discord server follow the instructions on this wiki page: https://github.com/7marre/Ikariam-Discord-Bot/wiki/Adding-the-bot-to-your-server
!info <Player Name> -- Display information about a player.
!find <Player Name> -- Display information and location of a player's towns.
!growth <Player Name>, [Score Category], [Duration In Days] -- Display information about a player's growth.
!alliance <Alliance Name/Tag> -- Display information about an alliance.
!island <XX:YY> -- Display information about an island.
(all commands without <, >, [ and ])
!region <Ikariam Region> -- Set the Ikariam Server Region the bot will use.
!mode <Server/Channel> -- Set the mode the bot will use.
!ikariamworld <Ikariam World> -- Set the Ikariam world the bot will use on the Discord server/channel.
Set your own command prefix
Come with suggestions, everything is considered!
Web dashboard/interface for more advanced configuration
7marre#7777 on Discord :)