A simple boilerplate to start the frontend of projects using gulp and Bootstrap 3.
- CSS3
- Javascript
- gulp
- Less
- Node
- npm
">= 5.5"
- gulp
">= 1.2.2"
OSX & Linux
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/dorianneto/frontend-boilerplate.git && cd frontend-boilerplate && rm -rf .git && git init
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/dorianneto/frontend-boilerplate.git && cd frontend-boilerplate && rd /s /q .git && git init
npm run start
npm run dev
gulp plugins:
- gulp-concat: Concatenates files
- gulp-file-include: a gulp plugin for file include
- gulp-htmlmin: gulp plugin to minify HTML
- gulp-image: Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task
- gulp-inject: A stylesheet, javascript and webcomponent reference injection plugin for gulp
- gulp-less: A LESS plugin for Gulp
- gulp-minify-css: Minify css
- gulp-rename: gulp-rename is a gulp plugin to rename files easily
- gulp-sourcemaps: Source map support for Gulp.js
- gulp-uglify: Minify JavaScript with UglifyJS2
npm run build
: builds source files and copy todist
directorynpm run server
: runs a locally server with browserify (only to preview)
- Substitute gulp for Webpack
- Substitute Less for SASS or Stylus
- Creates a directory to configurations
- Creates a npm script to build project to production environment
Have suggestions? Creates an issue with tag ROADMAP
I'm so excited that you want contribute with the project! Follow these recommendations.
Designed with ❤️ by Dorian Neto