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Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK Example Apps for React Native

These example apps demonstrate how to integrate the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK for React Native for Android and iOS.

What is the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK?

Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK is a simple to use high level API, providing a collection of classes and functions for scanning and parsing 1D and 2D barcodes from your mobile device's camera or other image sources like your photo library.

The SDK for React Native is available as an npm package:

Trial License

The Scanbot SDK will run without a license for one minute per session!

After the trial period has expired, all SDK functions and UI components will stop working. You have to restart the app to get another one-minute trial period.

To try the Scanbot SDK without a one-minute limit, you can get a free “no-strings-attached” trial license. Please submit the Trial License Form on our website.

Free Developer Support

We provide free "no-strings-attached" developer support for the implementation & testing of the Scanbot SDK. If you encounter technical issues with integrating the Scanbot SDK or need advice on choosing the appropriate framework or features, please visit our Support Page.

Supported Barcode Types

💡 Also check out our blog post Types of barcodes.

Supported Data Parsers:

  • AAMVA: Parse the AAMVA data format from PDF-417 barcodes on US driver's licenses.
  • Boarding pass data from PDF417 barcodes.
  • Parser for German Medical Certificates (aka. Disability Certificate or AU-Bescheinigung) coded in a PDF-417 barcode.
  • GS1 encoded data from barcodes.
  • Data from PDF-417 barcodes on ID Cards.
  • Parse and extract data from XML of Data Matrix barcodes on Medical Plans (German Medikationsplan).
  • Data parser of QR-Code values printed on SEPA pay forms.
  • vCard data from a QR-Code (e.g. on business cards).
  • Swiss QR data from a QR-Code for easy, automatic and efficient payments.

For more details please refer to the SDK documentation.


For more details about the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK for React Native please see this documentation.

How to run this app

Step 0: Install Command Line Tools

Note: Make sure you have completed the Set Up Your Environment guide before proceeding.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

To install the project dependencies, run the following commands

# Install the required dependencies
yarn install
# OR using npm
npm install

For iOS, remember to install CocoaPods dependencies (this only needs to be run on first clone or after updating native deps).

The first time you create a new project, run the Ruby bundler to install CocoaPods itself:

bundle install

Then, and every time you update your native dependencies, run:

cd ios 
bundle exec pod install

Step 2: Start your Application

Plugin in your physical device via USB and run the following command to start your Android or iOS app:

For Android

# Using npm
npm run android

# OR using Yarn
yarn android

For iOS

# Using npm
npm run ios

# OR using Yarn
yarn ios

If everything is set up correctly, you should see your new app running in new app running on your device.

This is not the only way to run your app — you can also run it directly from within Android Studio and Xcode respectively:

What else can go wrong?

Pod not found
cd ios
bundle exec pod repo update
Still at a loss? It is probably a cache issue
yarn run clean
  • npm cache clean --force && watchman watch-del-all
  • Restart metro server!