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Render files in your Packer builds with CUE


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A packer plugin that writes files to the image you're provisioning, based on values extracted from a CUE module.

A Packer data provider is TODO.

Provided Plugins


  • cue-export - Given a module, package, and an optional CUE expression, the provisioner writes a file with the scalar value or struct yielded by cue export.

Example Usage

Add this plugin to required_plugins

packer {
  required_plugins {
    cue = {
      version = ">=0.3.1"
      source = ""

Write the data yielded by the expression world in package hello to /tmp/some-file

  provisioner "cue-export" {
    dir        = "."
    package    = "hello"
    expression = "world"
    dest       = "/tmp/some-file"

Config Attributes



  • dir - path to where the CUE evaluation should take place
  • module - (optional) name of module
  • package - (optional) package name, if required to disambiguate
  • expression - (optional) CUE expression that yields a specific package value
  • dest - path to destination file; Note that some Packer builders will not automatically create ancestor directories.
  • tags - (optional) list of strings of the form key=value


Let's say you have a CUE module with a file my_service.cue that looks like this

package systemd

config_file: "/etc/my-service/config.yaml"

unit_file: '''
Description=My example service



Invoking cue export -p systemd ./my_service.cue gives you the entire package as JSON

    "config_file": "/etc/my-service/config.yaml",
    "unit_file": "W1VuaXRdCkRlc2N...=="

Note: We've elided most of the unit file's base64 string here.

Providing --out binary and -e unit_file lets us select the unit_file field and render it. The value of config_file is interpolated.

$ cue export -p systemd -e unit_file --out binary ./my_service.cue
Description=My example service



This manner of templating files and interpolating values is useful for machine image provisioning, and this plugin provides a declarative API for rendering CUE to files during a Packer build.

The previous examples use the cue CLI, which you should definitely download and experiment with if you are unfamiliar with CUE. This plugin, however, uses CUE as a Go library.

But wait, there's more!

The cue-export provisioner doesn't need a string or binary template to write files. If the package (with optional expression) evaluates to a string, number, or struct type, this plugin does the following

  • String and number types are written as a single-line file to dest
  • Struct types must be given a serialize config, one of "json", "yaml", or "toml". The entire struct will be serialized in that format.

A quick example of a struct rendered to yaml

provisioner "cue-export" {
    module     = "."
    dir        = "."
    package    = "prometheus"
    expression = "config_yaml"
    serialize  = "yaml"
    dest       = "/tmp/prometheus.yaml"

If your expression evaluates to a struct and no serializer is set, it's an error.