Special session Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2022. Authors: Dong-Guw Lee, Kyu-Seob Song, Dong-Soo Kwon
To download the dataset, please fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/MfDuSEiJBcA7eKi6A
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please email donkeymouse@snu.ac.kr or issue a problem on the github page.
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@INPROCEEDINGS { dglee-2022-roman,
AUTHOR = { Dong-Guw Lee, Kyu-Seob Song, and Dong-Soo Kwon },
TITLE = { TODS: Thermal Outdoor image Dataset for Spoofing detection },
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)},
YEAR = { 2022 },
MONTH = { Aug. },
ADDRESS = { Naples, Italy },
NOTE = { Accepted. To appear. },