Welcome to the "Harnessing the Power of AI" workshop!
The "Harnessing the Power of AI" workshop aims to be an hands-on learning experience that will provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the key concepts, techniques, and tools used in AI.
The workshop will cover a range of topics, including:
- AI History
- Machine learning algorithms and techniques
- Neural networks and deep learning *
- Natural language processing and speech recognition *
- Computer vision and image recognition *
- Ethical considerations in AI
Day 1 Let's start
In creating this workshop, I have utilized a variety of sources to gather information and inspiration. I would like to acknowledge and give credit to these sources, as their insights have been invaluable in shaping the content of this workshop. Below is a list of resources that I have referenced and used in creating the materials for this workshop.
If you have any questions or feedback about the workshop or this website, please feel free to contact me at [domvsca@gmail.com]. I look forward to hearing from you