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226 lines (187 loc) · 8.27 KB

File metadata and controls

226 lines (187 loc) · 8.27 KB



  • Have a Google Cloud Platform project with billing & Cloud Build API enabled
  • Have access to a user with Owner role on the project
  • Have gcloud SDK and CLI installed on your machine (quickstart)
  • Have firebase-tools CLI installed on your machine

Generate Slack API Token

Initialize Firebase environment

  • Make sure you are logged in with your firebase CLI tool.
  • Edit <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> in .firebaserc with your real project ID.
  • Run $ firebase functions:config:set gslack.api_token="xxxx-yyyyyyyyyyyy-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" (Replace with your slack API token)


  • Make sure your gcloud SDK and CLI environment is authenticated against the requested GCP project with a user that has Owner permissions.
  • Run $ make create-export PROJECT=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID> - Replace <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> with your project ID (Run once on the first deployment).
  • Deploy the function, run: $ yarn deploy or $ npm run deploy from the functions dir.

Firestore configuration

  • Navigate to your project's Firestore console.
  • Create a new collection named "gSlack" in Firestore.
  • Add documents to the new collection with the following schema:
Field Name Type Description
channel string The destination slack channel, i.e. general or @username for private messages
disabled bool Whether the rule is disabled; disabled rules will not be evaluated by the function
test string Must be a a valid JS expression that returns a boolean. If it returns true the test passes. e.g. $.protoPayload.serviceName===''
message string Must be a a valid JS string template. It will be evaluated to produce the message. e.g. This is the logname: ${$.logName}
  • Each document is a rule that will be evaluted by the function and will be posted to the corresponding slack channel if the evaluated test expression passes as true.
  • If you want to temporary disable a rule, simply update the disabled field to true.

Function Message Payload Example

The information received by the function for the log entry is something like this:

 protoPayload: {
  @type:  ""
  status: {
  authenticationInfo: {
   principalEmail:  ""
  requestMetadata: {
   callerIp:  "..."
   callerSuppliedUserAgent:  "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36,gzip(gfe)"
  serviceName:  ""
  methodName:  "storage.buckets.create"
  authorizationInfo: [
   0: {
    permission:  "storage.buckets.create"
    granted:  true
  resourceName:  "projects/_/buckets/bababab-vadim"
  serviceData: {
   @type:  ""
   policyDelta: {
    bindingDeltas: [
     0: {
      action:  "ADD"
      role:  "roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner"
      member:  "projectOwner:..."
     1: {
      action:  "ADD"
      role:  "roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner"
      member:  "projectEditor:..."
     2: {
      action:  "ADD"
      role:  "roles/storage.legacyBucketReader"
      member:  "projectViewer:..."
  request: {
   defaultObjectAcl: {
    bindings: [
     0: {
      members: [
       0:  "projectOwner:..."
       1:  "projectEditor:..."
      role:  "roles/storage.legacyObjectOwner"
     1: {
      members: [
       0:  "projectViewer:..."
      role:  "roles/storage.legacyObjectReader"
    @type:  ""
 insertId:  "552D5EE8A9ED9.A65A379.EF01047D"
 resource: {
  type:  "gcs_bucket"
  labels: {
   storage_class:  ""
   location:  "US-CENTRAL1"
   bucket_name:  "bababab-vadim"
   project_id:  "..."
 timestamp:  "2017-06-26T05:07:46.673Z"
 severity:  "NOTICE"
 logName:  "projects/.../logs/"
 receiveTimestamp:  "2017-06-26T05:07:54.586745618Z"

Fiestore Rules examples

Google Cloud Storage Bucket Created/Deleted

  • Display bucket name, created/deleted, location, project and by who.

  • Document ID: bucket-create-delete:

  • Document Fields:

        channel: "general",
        disabled: false,
        test: "$.protoPayload.serviceName==='' && ( $.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.create' || $.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.delete')",
        message: "Bucket '${$.resource.labels.bucket_name}' was ${$.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.create'?'created':'deleted'} at location '${$.resource.labels.location}' by '${$.protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail}' in project '${$.resource.labels.project_id}'",
        attachments: null
  • Slack Message Formatting

    Use the attachments field (type of array of maps) to add Slack message attachments instead of the default text message.

    One of 'message' or 'attachments' fields must not be null.

        channel: "general",
        disabled: false,
        test: "$.protoPayload.serviceName==='' && ( $.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.create' || $.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.delete')",
        message: null,
        attachments: [
                title: "Cloud Storage Notification",
                color: "${$.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.create'?'#36a64f':'#de1738'}",
                fields: [
                        short: true,
                        title: "Operation",
                        value: "${$.protoPayload.methodName==='storage.buckets.create'?'Create':'Delete'}"
                        short: true,
                        title: "Resource Name",
                        value: "${$.resource.labels.bucket_name}"
                        short: true,
                        title: "Project ID",
                        value: "${$.resource.labels.project_id}"
                        short: true,
                        title: "User",
                        value: "${$.protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail}"

    alt text alt text

Google Compute Engine Instance Started/Stopped

  • Display instance name, started/stopped, zone, project and by who.

  • Document ID: gce-start-stop:

  • Document Fields:

        channel: "devops",
        disabled: false,
        test: "$.protoPayload.serviceName==='' && ( $.protoPayload.methodName==='v1.compute.instances.start' || $.protoPayload.methodName==='v1.compute.instances.stop') && $.operation.last",
        message: "Instance '${$.protoPayload.resourceName.split('/').slice(-1)[0]}' was ${$.protoPayload.methodName==='v1.compute.instances.start'?'started':'stopped'} at zone '${$}' by '${$.protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail}' in project '${$.resource.labels.project_id}'",
        attachments: null

Google App Engine New Version Deployed

  • Display project, module, version and by who.

  • Document ID: gae-new-version:

  • Document Fields:

        channel: "@user",
        disabled: false,
        test: "$.protoPayload.serviceName==='' && $.protoPayload.methodName==='google.appengine.v1.Versions.CreateVersion' && $.operation.last",
        message: "Google AppEngine version created with version ID '${$.resource.labels.version_id}' for module '${$.resource.labels.module_id}' by '${$.protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail}' in project '${$.resource.labels.project_id}'",
        attachments: null