My tasks for coaching
- installed GitBash
- account on GitHub
- what is repository, branch, tags
- succesfull branching model
- Git tutorial
Create own repository on with README file
Check the ssh public key on github account
Clone the repository into the file system
git clone [url]
gitk --all
NOTE: check git settings or run
$ git config --global "John Doe" $ git config --global
Change the file
Stash your changes
git stash
git stash pop
Commit your changes (local) with
git gui
Push your commits to the remote
git push origin master
Change the repository of your colleague and push it
Change your own repository and commit changes, then try to push it
Recovering from conflicts
- Java JDK 8 installed
- Maven installed
Basic Spring Application:
- Visit page
- Customize your application properties
- Input in box Search for dependencies:
- Web
- Actuator
- H2
- Rest Repositories
- Lombok
- Click on Generate Project
- Extract zip into the git repository or folder
- Commit your work
- Main Application class
- Annotations and Autoconfiguration
- Properties files versus .ymls
- *ApplicationTests class
- Inmemory DBS
- http://localhost:8080
First access to the database:
create packeges:
- model
- repositories
- services
in model Create class Customer with attributes name, surname, age
Lombok annotations
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id;
in repositories create CustomerRepository interface, which extends JpaRepository
look up methods
List<Customer> findBySurname(String lastName); @Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.age < 30") List<Customer> findAllUnder30();
in services create CustomerService class with reference to the repository (Dependency injection)
private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
// @Autowired
// public CustomerService(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
// this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
// }
public Customer getCustomer(Long id){
Customer one = customerRepository.getOne(id);
//operations on it
return one;
public List<Customer> getCustomer(String surname){
List<Customer> bySurname = customerRepository.findBySurname(surname);
if (bySurname.size()==0){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Customer with such lastname")
return bySurname;
Lombok and spring Autowiring
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))
Test in JUnit
First REST full endpoint:
- Add new package controllers
- Add new class CustomerAPI
- Add endpoint for reaching all customers by surname
- Add Swagger http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/
Additional tasks:
- Add error handler
- Add Spring Data Rest
- Settings: change a port of the server
- Settings: LOG level