A complete functional parking management system built with Java (Spring Boot, JPA/Hibernate, Maven), Python (Flask) and HTML/CSS/JS.
The API repository is here
The dashboard section show some status of the establishment, such as:
- Registered cars
- Active parkings
- Available parking lots
- Today total earnings
- Pending payments
- Total parkings today
The "Add a parking" section contains a form that creates a new parking based on the following attributes:
- Start time
- Car
- Parking lot
- Rate
The "Manage parkings" section contains a table with the attributes of all the registered parkings and two buttons, one to erase the parking and one to end it. It also has a "filter by" option with the following params:
- Going
- Ended
- All
The "Add a parking lot" section contains a form that creates a new parking lot based on the following attribute:
- Tag
The "Manage parking lots" section contains a table with the attributes of all the registered parking lots and two buttons, one to erase the parking lot and one to edit it. It also has a "filter by" option with the following params:
- Occupied
- Unoccupied
- All
The "Add a car" section contains a form that creates a new car based on the following attributes:
- License plate
- Brand
- Model
- Color
The "Manage cars" section contains a table with the attributes of all the registered cars and three buttons, one to erase the parking lot, one to edit it and one to check all the parkings related to it.
The "Manage payments" section contains a table with the attributes of all the registered payments and two buttons, one to erase the payment and one to complete the payment if it's pending.
João Pedro Favarato