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Added first draft of assertion module. Work in progress
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eisDNV committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent 673ca69 commit 8e48b18
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Showing 3 changed files with 280 additions and 0 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions case_study/
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@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
from sympy import Symbol, sympify, FiniteSet

class Assertion:
"""Define Assertion objects for checking expectations with respect to simulation results.
The class uses sympy, where the symbols are expected to be results variables,
as defined in the variable definition section of Cases.
These can then be combined to boolean expressions and be checked against
single points of a data series (see `assert_single()` or against a whole series (see `assert_series()`).
The symbols used in the expression are accessible as `.symbols` (dict of `name : symbol`).
All symbols used by all defined Assertion objects are accessible as Assertion.ns
expr (str): The boolean expression definition as string.
Any unknown symbol within the expression is defined as sympy.Symbol and is expected to match a variable.
ns = {}

def __init__(self, expr:str):
self._expr = Assertion.do_sympify( expr)
self._symbols = self.get_symbols()
Assertion.update_namespace( self._symbols)

def expr(self):
return self._expr

def symbols(self):
return self._symbols

def symbol(self, name:str):
return self._symbols[name]
except KeyError as err:
return None

def do_sympify( _expr):
"""Evaluate the initial expression as sympy expression.
Return the sympified expression or throw an error if sympification is not possible.
if '==' in _expr:
raise ValueError("'==' cannot be used to check equivalence. Use 'a-b' and check against 0") from None
expr = sympify( _expr)
except ValueError as err:
raise Exception(f"Something wrong with expression {_expr}: {err}|. Cannot sympify.") from None
return expr

def get_symbols(self):
"""Get the atom symbols used in the expression. Return the symbols as dict of `name : symbol`"""
syms = self._expr.atoms(Symbol)
return { : s for s in syms}

def reset():
"""Reset the global dictionary of symbols used by all Assertions"""
Assertion.ns = {}

def update_namespace( sym: dict):
"""Ensure that the symbols of this expression are registered in the global namespace `ns`"""
for n,s in sym.items():
if n not in Assertion.ns:

def assert_single(self, subs:list[tuple]):
"""Perform assertion on a single data point.
subs (list): list of tuples of `(variable-name, value)`,
where the independent variable (normally the time) shall be listed first.
All required variables for the evaluation shall be listed.
The variable-name provided as string is translated to its symbol before evaluation.
(bool) result of assertion
_subs = [ (self._symbols[s[0]], s[1]) for s in subs]
return self._expr.subs( _subs)

def assert_series(self, subs:list[tuple], ret:str='bool'):
"""Perform assertion on a (time) series.
subs (list): list of tuples of `(variable-symbol, list-of-values)`,
where the independent variable (normally the time) shall be listed first.
All required variables for the evaluation shall be listed
The variable-name provided as string is translated to its symbol before evaluation.
ret (str)='bool': Determines how to return the result of the assertion:
`bool` : True if any element of the assertion of the series is evaluated to True
`bool-list` : List of True/False for each data point in the series
`interval` : tuple of interval of indices for which the assertion is True
`count` : Count the number of points where the assertion is True
bool, list[bool], tuple[int] or int, depending on `ret` parameter.
Default: True/False on whether at least one record is found where the assertion is True.
_subs = [ (self._symbols[s[0]], s[1]) for s in subs]
length = len( subs[0][1])
result = [False]* length

for i in range( length):
s = []
for k in range( len( _subs)): # number of variables in substitution
s.append( (_subs[k][0], _subs[k][1][i]))
res = self._expr.subs( s)
if res:
result[i] = True
if ret == 'bool':
return True in result
elif ret == 'bool-list':
return result
elif ret == 'interval':
if True in result:
idx0 = result.index(True)
if False in result[idx0:]:
return (idx0, idx0+result[idx0:].index(False))
return (idx0, length)
return None
elif ret == 'count':
return sum( x for x in result)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown return type '{ret}'") from None

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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from case_study.assertion import Assertion
from math import sin, cos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pytest
from sympy import symbols, sympify

_t = [0.1*float(x) for x in range(100)]
_x = [0.3*sin(t) for t in _t]
_y = [1.0*cos(t) for t in _t]

def show_data():
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(_x, _y)
plt.title("Data (_x, _y)", loc="left")

def test_init():
t,x,y = symbols("t x y")
ass = Assertion( "t>8")
assert ass.symbols['t'] == t
assert Assertion.ns == {'t':t}
ass = Assertion("(t>8) & (x>0.1)")
assert ass.symbols == {'t':t,'x':x}
assert Assertion.ns == {'t':t, 'x':x}
ass = Assertion( "(y<=4) & (y>=4)")
assert ass.symbols == {'y':y}
assert Assertion.ns == {'t':t, 'x':x, 'y':y}

def test_assertion():
t,x,y = symbols("t x y")
# show_data()print("Analyze", analyze( "t>8 & x>0.1"))
ass = Assertion( "t>8")
assert ass.assert_single( [('t', 9.0)])
assert not ass.assert_single( [('t', 7)] )
res = ass.assert_series( [('t',_t)], 'bool-list')
assert True in res, "There is at least one point where the assertion is True"
assert res.index(True) == 81, f"Element {res.index(True)} is True"
assert all( res[i] for i in range(81,100)), "Assertion remains True"
assert ass.assert_series( [('t',_t)], 'bool'), "There is at least one point where the assertion is True"
assert ass.assert_series( [('t',_t)], 'interval') == (81, 100), "Index-interval where the assertion is True"
ass = Assertion("(t>8) & (x>0.1)")
res = ass.assert_series([('t',_t), ('x',_x)])
assert res, "True at some point"
assert ass.assert_series([('t',_t), ('x',_x)], 'interval') == (81,91)
assert ass.assert_series([('t',_t), ('x',_x)], 'count') == 10
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown return type 'Hello'") as err:
ass.assert_series([('t',_t), ('x',_x)], 'Hello')
# Checking equivalence. '==' does not work
ass = Assertion( "(y<=4) & (y>=4)")
assert ass.symbols == {'y' : y}
assert Assertion.ns == {'t': t, 'x': x, 'y': y}
assert ass.assert_single( [('y', 4)])
assert not ass.assert_series( [('y', _y)], ret='bool')
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'==' cannot be used to check equivalence. Use 'a-b' and check against 0") as err:
ass = Assertion("y==4")
ass = Assertion( "y-4")
assert 0==ass.assert_single( [('y', 4)])

if __name__ == "__main__":
# retcode = pytest.main(["-rA","-v", __file__])
# assert retcode == 0, f"Non-zero return code {retcode}"
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
from math import sqrt
from pathlib import Path

import pytest
from component_model.example_models.bouncing_ball_3d import BouncingBall3D
from component_model.model import Model
from fmpy import plot_result, simulate_fmu
from shutil import copy

def nearly_equal(res: tuple, expected: tuple, eps=1e-7):
assert len(res) == len(
), f"Tuples of different lengths cannot be equal. Found {len(res)} != {len(expected)}"
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(res, expected, strict=False)):
assert abs(x - y) < eps, f"Element {i} not nearly equal in {x}, {y}"

def test_make_fmu():#chdir):
fmu_path =
str(Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "BouncingBall3D" / ""),
dest = Path( Path.cwd()))
copy( fmu_path, Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "BouncingBall3D")

def test_run_fmpy(show):
"""Test and validate the basic BouncingBall using fmpy and not using OSP or case_study."""
path = Path("BouncingBall3D.fmu")
assert path.exists(), f"File {path} does not exist"
dt = 0.01
result = simulate_fmu(
logger=print, # fmi_call_logger=print,
"e": 0.71,
"g": 9.81,
if show:
t_bounce = sqrt(2*10*0.0254 / 9.81)
v_bounce = 9.81 * t_bounce # speed in z-direction
x_bounce = t_bounce/1.0 # x-position where it bounces in m
# Note: default values are reported at time 0!
nearly_equal(result[0], (0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0, 0, sqrt(2*10/9.81), 0, 0)) # time,pos-3, speed-3, p_bounce-3
arrays_equal(result(bb), (0.01,
0.01, 0, (10*0.0254-0.5*9.81*0.01**2)/0.0254,
1, 0, -9.81*0.01, sqrt(2*10*0.0254/9.81), 0, 0))
t_before = int(sqrt(2 / 9.81) / dt) * dt # just before bounce
print("BEFORE", t_before, result[int(t_before / dt)])
result[int(t_before / dt)],
(t_before, 1*t_before, 0, 1.0 - 0.5 * 9.81 * t_before * t_before, 1, 0, -9.81 * t_before, x_bounce, 0, 0),
result[int(t_before / dt) + 1],
t_before + dt,
v_bounce * 0.71 * (t_before + dt - t_bounce) - 0.5 * 9.81 * (t_before + dt - t_bounce) ** 2,
v_bounce * 0.71 - 9.81 * (t_before + dt - t_bounce),
nearly_equal(result[int(2.5 / dt)], (2.5, 0, 0), eps=0.4)
nearly_equal(result[int(3 / dt)], (3, 0, 0))
print("RESULT", result[int(t_before / dt) + 1])

if __name__ == "__main__":
# retcode = pytest.main(["-rA", "-v", __file__, "--show", "True"])
# assert retcode == 0, f"Non-zero return code {retcode}"
import os
os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "test_working_directory")
test_run_fmpy( show=True)

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