- Updated to download-artifact@v4 (from download-artifact@v3)
- removed specific names for target ships. Files generated with target ship 1, 2 etc.
- changed tests. Still need to figure out why some tests "fail" using CLI.
- possible to have several aypoints for own ship
- fixing pyright error
- beta (relative bearing between osn ship and target ship seen from own ship) is not just a number, but could also be a range
- situation length is used when checking if target ship is passing land
- using types from maritime schema
- lat/lon used instead of north/east
- the generated output files are using "maritime" units: knots and degrees
- add-basic-code-quality-settings-black-ruff-pyright,
- first-small-round-of-code-improvement
- add-domain-specific-data-types-for-ship-situation-etc-using-pydantic-models,
- activate-remaining-pyright-rules,
- add-github-workflows-to-build-package-and-to-build-and-publish-documentation
- sorting output from os.listdir
- github workflow for release
- removed cyclic import
- length of encounter may be specified by user
- First release on PyPI.