Discontinued - now part of FroshProfiler
Shopware Plugin featuring a Javascript console debug tool for the StateManager.
Will log ...
... PubSub events:
- subscribe (event name)
- unsubscribe (event name)
- publish (event name, arguments)
... Plugin registration:
- addPlugin (plugin name, element, viewports)
- removePlugin (plugin name, element)
- updatePlugin (plugin name, element)
- destroyPlugin (plugin name, element)
... Breakpoint change:
- switchPlugins (previous/current state)
... Plugin initialization:
- initPlugin (plugin name, selector, event handlers)
You can filter output by ...
- type (available: subscribe, unsubscribe, publish, addPlugin, removePlugin, updatePlugin, destroyPlugin, switchPlugins, initPlugin)
- event name
- plugin name
To set filter use the javascript console and the following functions, corresponding to each filter:
StateDebug.setFilterEvent(['onTrackItems', 'onSetSizes']);
You can pass a single filter criteria as string or an array of multiple filter criterias.
Type criterias need to be exact and available (see above). Event and plugin name criterias can include part of the name.
To reset filter criterias call the function without any arguments.
(initPlugin) swMenuScroller [selector: "*[data-menu-scroller="true"]", events: ▶ Array(3)]
(initPlugin) dnVariantSwitch [selector: "*[data-variant-switch="true"]"]
(subscribe) plugin/swAddArticle/onAddArticle
(subscribe) plugin/swCollapseCart/onRemoveArticleFinished
(publish) plugin/swAjaxProductNavigation/onProductNavigationLoaded [arguments: ▶ Array(2)]
(publish) plugin/swProductSlider/onBuffer [arguments: ▶ Array(4)]
(switchPlugins) [previousState: xl, currentState: xs]
(destroyPlugin) swTabMenu [element: ▶ n.fn.init [div.tab-menu--product.js--tab-menu, ...]]
(unsubscribe) plugin/swImageSlider/onRightArrowClick.swImageZoom
- Clone this repository into a folder DnStateManagerDebug within the custom/plugins directory of the Shopware installation.
- Install the plugin through the Plugin-Manager within the Shopware backend.
- Change to your root installation of shopware
- Run command
composer require dneustadt/dn-state-manager-debug
and install and activate plugin with Plugin Manager
- Shopware 5.4.0 or higher
- PHP 7.0