- I am a machine learning engineer at Sensara Technologies, where I work on image/video content analysis using computer vision and deep learning techniques.
- You can find more about my work here.
Things I'm trying out currently :
- To get some exposure on ML Research, I'm working as a Research Assistant in the CVIT group @ IIIT Hyderabad under Prof. Makarand Tapaswi. Researching on "Identity aware Captioning for Videos" specifically focussed on Movies and TV Shows.
- Looking to contribute to the Open Source ecosystem.
Update :
- Actively contributing to the 🤗 Datasets library. Contributed the following datasets:
- Added the Metashift dataset.
- Added the RVL-CDIP dataset.
- Added the Biwi Kinect Head Pose dataset.
... working on adding more ...
Transformers Paper - Summary
Attention is all you need.Little Pieces that made the Whole
Explaining Regularization, Weight Init, Optimizers, Activation and Loss Functions.