- First of all, download Ubuntu core 15.04 and clone it on a memory card.
$ wget http://gumstix-snappy.s3.amazonaws.com/overo.img.xz
$ xz -d overo.img.xz
$ sudo dd if=overo.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4k status=progress
#(sdX is your memory card device)
(source: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2015-April/000525.html)
- If links above is broken, download from:
- Remove memory card from local computer and put on Gumstix.
- Power on Gumstix and system will boot from memory card.
- During boot, the screen stay empty (black). No beep and no image is shown on the screen. This time is about 1m30s.
- Ubuntu core has no graphical interface, just command line.
- USB keybord doesn't work if directly connected on USB port. You need to use a USB HUB for any USB device to work, as shown in the image below:
- Log on Ubuntu with default credentials:
user: ubuntu
pass: ubuntu
- Remount file system as RW, as follows:
$ sudo mount / -o remount,rw
This Ubuntu image comes with a public key in the
SSH file (called ash@gumstux). Remove it immediately, with the following commands:
rm /ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo rm /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Change password:
$ passwd
- To supress the warning message:
sudo: unable to resolve host overo
, insert127.0.0.1 overo
into /etc/hosts file. - Get IP address:
$ ifconfig
- On local machine, download this repository, convert to tar.bz2 and tranfer to Ubuntu core by scp:
#(on local machine)
wget https://github.com/dnatividade/Ubuntu_core_15.04-install/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip && mv Ubuntu_core_15.04-install-master/ master && tar -cvjf master.tar.bz2 master/ && rm master/ -rf && rm master.zip
scp master.tar.bz2 ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS_UBUNTU:/home/ubuntu/
- Log on Ubuntu with ssh and extract the .tar.bz2 file:
#(on local machine)
$ tar -xvjf master.tar.bz2
With this repository on Ubuntu, install necessary packages. Each script installs the module corresponding to its name (and its dependencies). The install-ALL.sh module installs all modules from the repository.