Manage i18next namespaces with a power of react v16 context
The purpose of this library was merged to official react-i18next at v9. So please use it. :)
Available as npm package.
npm install ns-react-i18next
Add global provider to the root of your app
import * as i18n from 'i18next';
import { I18NextProvider } from 'ns-react-i18next'
resources: translations,
fallbackLng: 'en',
debug: true,
defaultNS: 'common', // this namespace will be used if no namespace shared via context
fallbackNS: 'common',
<I18NextProvider i18n={i18n}>
<App />
Use another provider to share namespace between components sub-tree. Any <Translate>
component under this provider will render translated string of shared namespace + children string. Note that when the language will be changed (with a help of i18n.changeLanguage()
) - every translate will rerender by itself.
import { Translate, NamespaceProvider } from 'ns-react-i18next'
<NamespaceProvider ns="specificNs">
// specificNs:some_complex_structure
<p> <Translate interpolate={{ key: 'value' }}> some_complex_structure </Translate> </p>
<p> <Translate> something_specific </Translate> </p> // specificNs:something_specific
Even possible to share namespace for several routes.
<NamespaceProvider ns="customers">
<Route path="/customers" component={CustomersList} />
<Route path="/customers/:id" component={ManageCustomer} />
There any Translate
of CustomersList, ManageCustomer and thiers sub-components and sub-routes of take the 'customers' namespace.