This is a simple docker setup for running a redis instance in conjuction with the popular free redis admin interface Redis Commander.
The official DockerHub repository for this project is at:
This quite simple to run all commands are detailed below.
- Clone this repository anywhere in your system.
Firstly this setup uses a default and the official setup of redis from docker hub to install redis with a custom setup please visit redis web site.
- Pull the redis image.
docker pull redis
- Run the newly installed image.
docker run --name redis -p "6379:6379" -d redis:latest
- Build the redis commander dockerfile this command will create an image with the name commander and tag latest.
docker build -t commander:latest .
- Run the docker instance from the create image this command will create an container with the name commander linked the redis container and it will expose the application on
docker run --name commander --link redis:redis -p -d commander:latest
The default credentials are detailed below however if you want to change them you can pass pass in the following environment variables on the docker run command. See docker help docs for details about overridding environment variables on the run command.
User name:
see below a list of useful commands.
docker exec -it commander bash
docker stop commander && docker rm commander && docker rmi commander