👋 Hi, I'm Dana
I'm a buildings + energy data geek aiming to work towards an equitable, decarbonized energy ecosystem. I'm also a Certified Software Carpentry instructor, a former Py-Ladies Oakland co-organizer, and a founding member of the Energy Data Experts Network community who 😍 literate programming with RMarkdown.
Here are some public resources I've written or co-created:
- Python community resources for beginning programmers in Berkeley, CA
- Graphical user interface and command line instructions for contributing to Software Carpentry documentation with 'GitHub flow'
- Resources for getting started with R
- Introductory level: Example of organizing, summarizing, and vizualizing data in an RMarkdown document for a report
- Experienced level: A reproducible scientific journal article template in RMarkdown with Binder and
- Example data organization and visualization from an energy efficiency retrofit
- Script to tidy diagonally-formatted data exported from Building Management Systems
- Configuring R + RStudio on cloud compute resources - instructions for setup with Rocker and configuring multiple user logins
- Draft Binder tutorial and graphics for introducing Binder to novices
- "TIL" -assorted tips and tricks for R, python, and statistics examples and tutorials
- Implementing Tic-tac-toe in R
- June 2018 : Deep dive on tools for more reproducible and interactive data analysis in building science
- Sept 2018 lecture in Arch 241: Towards more reporducible + open research in building science: what, why, and some tools for how
- Jan 2019 Reproducible research with RMarkdown workshop at BEARS