Here you will find Sample Code, Scripts and Information for use in the DevNet IOS XE Sandbox.
DevNet Sandboxes are all about providing an environment where developers can explore and test out whatever they are learning or working on. But sometimes having a starting point, or inspiration can be helpful, and that's what this repository is all about.
And should you develop some interesting code targeting the Sandbox and want to share with the community, we'd love to include it here!!! Just fork the repo and review our Pull Request instructions.
Ansible is a great technology for Configuration Management of the network, and we've provided some sample playbooks to take a look at. Take a look at what's available here: ansible-playbooks/
Coming Soon!!!
Looking for details on YANG Data Models and using NETCONF, RESTCONF, or gRPC with IOS XE? Checkout samples here: yang/
Coming Soon!!!
Want to run Linux utilities, apps, or Python Scripts on your IOS XE devices? Checkout samples here: guestshell/
Coming Soon!!!
Interested in what else is possible? Checkout ideas here: other/
Coming Soon!!!