Community Guidelines
- Privacy Policy
Chat with other fellow streamers and creators, but also connect with the ePlay staff! As we value transparency, and we thrive on working with amazing people like you, we're always here to help and assist you. Join our Discord or chat with our technicians today!
We chose Github discussions to host our message board as we connect our developers, designers and all of our teams directly with you! Start a discussion or post a question that will be shared with our teams right away. We want to hear from you! We value your voice, your opinion as our goal is to make your life easier, more exciting and empower you to succeed!
Got an idea to share? or simply wants to upvote the next features you'd like us to add to ePlay? You're in the right place!
We know we're not perfect and as much as we do our best to avoid any issues, we also know it happens. Reporting a bug helps us and ensures it gets fixed as soon as possible! You can also see bugs that are already reported, and follow it's progress to being smashed and fixed!!
We got a lot of information for you and links that you'd like to check! We document everything we do because we plan things out and focus on what matters the most for you. Everything we do, everyday, is for YOU! ❤️
We use a lot of tools and we often get asked "What do you guys use?" - well - they're all listed here so you can use the same amazing tools and services our teams use on a daily basis!
Notion - One workspace for all our teams, and everything
Figma - Design, UI, Prototyping
Grafana - Data Visualization
Github - Projects, Issues, Code Deployment, Automations
Slack - Powering Teamwork & Collaboration
Kazza - Media Buying and Optimization
Cloudflare - DNS, DDoS protection, Caching, Security
Sentry - Error logging and tracking
Ongage - Mailing lists management & automation
Sendgrid - Email API
Crisp Chat - Support Chat & Email
Ghost - Blog Platform
Directus - Headless CMS
We're always hard at work, around the clock, so here are some live cams of our teams #eyebleach