The Reporter provides various methods for logging deployment information, automatically saving transactions data to the deployment report.
- reportTransactionByHash(hash, name <- optional):
Retrieves and displays transaction receipts with standard formatting.
- reportContracts(...contracts: [string, string][]):
Displays a list of contract names and addresses in a table format.
- reportContractsMD(...contracts: [string, string][]):
Displays a list of contract names and addresses in Markdown format with links to the block explorer.
- disableShortenAddress():
Returns the Reporter class with address shortening disabled. By default, addresses are shortened. Chain with reportContractsMD
Reporter method:
"My Contract", "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
The plugin automatically generates comprehensive deployment reports throughout the migration process. These reports are stored in the cache folder and include:
- List of deployed contracts with addresses
- Transaction details including gas usage and status
- Networks used in the deployment
- Statistics about gas usage and fees paid
- Verification status for contracts
- Any issues encountered during deployment or verification
- Proxy contract linking success/failure