Below is a sample migration file (1_simple.migration.ts):
import { Deployer, Reporter } from "@solarity/hardhat-migrate";
import { GovToken__factory } from "../typechain-types";
const TOKEN_OWNER = "0x1E3953B6ee74461169A3E346060AE27bD0B5bF2B";
export = async (deployer: Deployer) => {
const govToken = await deployer.deploy(GovToken__factory, ["Token", "TKN"]);
const transferOwnershipTx = (await (await govToken.transferOwnership(TOKEN_OWNER)).wait())!;
await Reporter.reportTransactionByHash(
"Transfer Ownership of Governance Token to Token Owner",
`Governance Token ${await} (${await govToken.symbol()}) Address`,
await govToken.getAddress(),
This example illustrates the basic principles of how migrations operate:
- The core component is the
object, which acts as a wrapper for the @ethers library, facilitating the deployment and processing of contracts. - The
class, a static entity, logs intermediary information into the console. - It is required to import contract factories.
- All relevant constants can be defined if necessary.
- The migration file's main body grants access to the deployer object, allowing for contract deployment and supporting recovery from failures in previous migration runs.
- Standard transaction-sending processes are used without special wrappers.
- The migration concludes with the
class summarizing the migration details.