Urban Terror
created 2019.05.06 by isopropanol
Italics are not necessary
FYI: ~ defaults to the current user’s home directory, so it translates to /home/urt here I tried to be good about making sure correct apostrophes got into this document. Editor “fancy” apostrophes will not work in commands. I tried to be good about correcting editor “auto-capitalization” of the first letter on a line.
I installed lubuntu (ubuntu with a lighter GUI)
During installation I installed 3rd party tools, just because (probably not needed)
I installed this so i could hit my network server to copy files via SMB shares
sudo apt install cifs-utils
install prerequisites
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
file comparison
sudo apt install meld
file search / indexing
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:christian-boxdoerfer/fsearch-daily
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fsearch-trunk
editor with context highlighting & tabs if you launch it with sudo you can edit and save files in protected areas
sudo apt install featherpad and as a backup sudo apt install geany
compressed file extraction
sudo apt install p7zip full
install guest additions to the Vitrual Box (for clipboard copy/paste)
only necessary if using Virtual Box
cd /media/urt/VBox_GAs_5.2.28
sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
NOTE: for VirtualBox, set the network to Bridged Adapter