A tetris clone implemented in C, using SDL2 libraries for the window and rendering. Currently in working order although the graphics are a little off.
Ensure you have sdl2 and sdl2_ttf libraries installed, as well as clang. You
could go into the build.sh
file and replace clang with gcc, as it should
compile with either.
Then, simply run make
to build the library, ./bin/tetris
to run the game
itself. Note that you have to launch the game from the data directory at the
moment, I'll be fixing that in a later update.
The current controls are
p : Play or pause
Esc : Quit the game
Up : Rotate
Left : Move Left
Right : Move Right
Down : Soft Drop
Space : Hard Drop
c : Swap Hold Piece
I plan on redoing the build system I'm using, because honestly I don't like the
current way I have Makefiles working. Also need to add the license for DejaVu
fonts. Currently working on redoing my board management in the board