Renders O2Jam OJN/OJM to MP3/WAV/OGG music file
- Author: Yana Nugraha
- Author Homepage:
- Latest Version: 0.8.2
IMPORTANT: This project is no longer maintained. Use at your own risk.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
RenderOJN is a utility which is able to render an OJN file into PCM and encode to preferred audio file format.
See it in action:
- In realtime mode, it is HIGHLY recommended to do nothing with your computer while rendering a keysounded music to preserve output quality.
- In quick mode, output quality might not be satisfying on keysounded music.
Released: June 2012
- Able to encode to OGG with automatic tagging.
- Added output quality option.
- Added "Genre" field to the music tag.
- Added application icon.
- Added progress percentage on time-consuming processes.
- Fixed chopped music ending bug.
- Able to encode to MP3 with automatic ID3 tagging.
- Keysounded notes might or might not be rendered properly in quick mode.
Usage: RenderOJN [inputfile [options]]
Rendering Options:
--rendermode <mode> Rendering Mode (quick, realtime). Default: quick
--format <format> Output Format (wav, mp3, ogg). Default: mp3
--outfile <filename> Output Filename. Default: <inputfile>.<format>
Whitespace is not allowed.
--quality <quality> Output Quality (for mp3 and ogg). Default: 3
3 - Best, 2 - Standard, 1 - Poor
Misc. Options:
--difficulty <difficulty> Note Difficulty (e, n, h). Default: h
--play Play the music instead of generating an output file
--help Display this text
RenderOJN o2ma100.ojn --outfile BachAlive.mp3 --quality 2
RenderOJN o2ma100.ojn --rendermode realtime --format wav
RenderOJN o2ma100.ojn --play
RenderOJN --help
- FMOD Ex Programmer's API version 4
- libsndfile
- taglib
- Boost 1.40+ for Boost Date Time and Program Options
This is an open-sourced software licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license.