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Welcome to Meshmingle

Meshmingle is a free homebrew mesh network that works through WiFi and LoRa to extend range beyond your home.

When connected to WiFi via a mobile device, open your browser and go to http://mesh.local to start.

Setup is easy! Just power up your device after flashing, and you're good to go.

It is recommended to use a Heltec V3 LoRa device and connect it to an external antenna for longer range, although an external antenna is not required if many users are nearby on the same network.

Each device on the mesh acts as a relay, so any messages sent will relay through all connected devices.

You can purchase a Heltec V3 LoRa (868) device from the link below:

Buy Heltec V3 LoRa

Flash Your Device

heltec v3 device Esp32 Vroom device
HeltecV3 HeEsp32VroomExtant

You can install/flash directly to your device from the links below using your PC. No additional software required (some browsers may not work; Chrome is recommended). Ensure you have the necessary drivers installed.

Click here to flash your device using web browser.
Click here for Facebook Group.