Testdroid Appium driver for Java.
Driver depends on testdroid-api.
Build testdroid-api and install it locally
mvn clean install -DskipTests
git pull git@github.com:bitbar/testdroid-appium-driver.git
cd testdroid-appium-driver && mvn -DskipTests clean install
Install Node.js
brew install node
Install Appium Safest version at the moment is 1.2.1.
npm install appium@1.2.1
Copy testdroid.properties.ios.example to testdroid.properties, edit the username etc.
Run test using device in properties
mvn -Dtest=BitbarIOSSampleTest test
Run test on particular device without editing testdroid.properties
mvn -Dtestdroid.device="iPad Air A1474 7.0.3" -Dtest=BitbarIOSSampleTest test
Copy testdroid.properties.android.example to testdroid.properties, edit the username etc.
There is one example test for two different applications (BitbarSampleAppTest and TestdroidTest).
mvn -Dtest=BitbarSampleAppTest test
Copy testdroid.properties.android.chrome.example to testdroid.properties, edit the username etc.
mvn -Dtest=ChromeTest test
Start appium
appium -U <DEVICE_UUID> --port 4723
Execute IOS sample test
mvn -Dtest=BitbarIOSSampleTest -Dtestdroid.appiumUrl=http://localhost:4723/wd/hub clean test
Start Appium
node ./appium.js --platform-name=Android --device-name=AndroidDevice --app=/path/to/apk/Testdroid.apk --app-activity=".MM_MainMenu"
Execute test
mvn -Dtest=TestdroidTest -Dtestdroid.appiumUrl=http://localhost:4723/wd/hub
testdroid.properties is read from current directory. Global properties are not supported at the moment.