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The purpose of this project is to share the knowledge I gained during development of this bot. I hope to inspire others to embark on this journey and discover that programming is accessible to anyone who is willing to learn and seek information.
My motivation was to fulfill my dream of developing a bot, something I have desired since my first contact with bots and programming 22 years ago. Recently, I completed a full-stack developer course, and even though I didn't acquire the knowledge specifically for this, I decided to try to achieve what I once thought was impossible and I succeeded =)
The Anya Shop Bot is developed in Python, which is necessary for running the program.
This is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) that allows the bot to convert images into text. It is essential installing for the program to function correctly.
Later in the setup, you will need to have the directory path where Tesseract was installed copied. Follow the instructions below:
Windows - During Tesseract installation, you will need to choose the installation directory, as shown in the image:
By default, the directory will be "C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR". Just copy this path and keep it saved.
Linux or macOS - After installing Tesseract, copy the directory path where it is installed by running the following command in your terminal:
which tesseract