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Backend for leto-modelizer to manage libraries and access rights management


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Backend for leto-modelizer to manage libraries and access rights.


Manage permissions

A permission is linked to an action that a user is allowed (or not) to perform. It translates into a specific system role that can't be deleted nor modified by administrators, so it can only be activated or deactivated for users, groups and roles.

List of permissions:

Permission object Description
{"entity": "ADMIN", "action": "ACCESS"} Allows user to access and use leto-modelizer-admin.
{"entity": "PROJECT", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to create a project in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "PROJECT_TEMPLATE", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to create a project from template in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "DIAGRAM", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to create a diagram in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "DIAGRAM", "action": "DELETE"} Allows user to delete a diagram in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "DIAGRAM_TEMPLATE", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to create a diagram from template in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "COMPONENT", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to create a component in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "COMPONENT_TEMPLATE", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to create a component from template in leto-modelizer.
{"entity": "LIBRARY", "action": "ACCESS", "libraryId": LIB_ID} Allows users to access and utilize a library along with all its templates.
If LIB_ID is null, it signifies that users can view and use all available libraries.
{"entity": "LIBRARY", "action": "CREATE"} Allows user to register a library in leto-modelizer-admin.
{"entity": "LIBRARY", "action": "DELETE", "libraryId": LIB_ID} Allows users to delete a specific library.
If LIB_ID is null, it signifies that users can delete any of all available libraries.
{"entity": "LIBRARY", "action": "UPDATE", "libraryId": LIB_ID} Allows users to update a specific library.
If LIB_ID is null, it signifies that users can update any of all available libraries.

Manage roles

This section allows administrators to define and manage roles within the application.

A role represents a collection of permissions that can be assigned to users or groups, defining what actions they can perform.

Here, you can create new roles, edit existing ones, and assign or unassign permissions to them.

This feature ensures that users only have access to the functionalities necessary for their job roles, enhancing security and operational efficiency.

By default, three roles are created to cater to different levels of access and management needs:


This role is granted all permissions across the application, allowing for full control over every aspect, including user management, configuration settings, and content creation.

Users with this role can perform any action without restrictions.

This role can't be updated or deleted.


Users assigned to the ADMIN role have exclusive access to the administration application.

This role is tailored for users who manage application settings, user roles, and permissions but do not require full access to the entire application's content and features.


This role is designed for users who primarily work on projects, diagrams, and components.

They have all permissions related to these areas, enabling them to create, modify, and delete project-related content.

However, their access is restricted in administrative functions outside their scope.

Manage user groups

The application offers full functionality for managing groups and the users within these groups, enabling precise control over access and roles assigned to each member.

Manage libraries

The application provides robust tools for managing a library of templates and controlling who has access to these resources, ensuring that the right individuals can utilize specific templates as needed.

Getting Started


  • java - v21
  • gradle - v8.5
  • cockroachdb - v23.1.15

This server is based on Spring boot and Jersey.

For all information related to them, please refer to documentation.


To get started with leto-modelizer-api using Docker, follow these steps:

1. Install Docker

If you don't have Docker installed on your system, you can download and install it from the official website for your operating system:

2. Clone the repository

Open your terminal or command prompt and clone the project repository to your machine:

git clone
cd leto-modelizer-api

Generate certificate for HTTPS

To generate certificate, run this command at the root of your project folder:

keytool -genkey -alias myKeyAlias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore src/main/resources/keystore.jks -validity 3650

You will be asked to set a password for the key store and another for the key itself. Make sure to use the same passwords in your .env file when building unless it will use the default "password" password.

Generate certificate for cockroachdb

# Step 1: Create a Directory for Certificates
mkdir -p ./cockroach-certs

# Step 2: Generate the CA (Certificate Authority) Certificate and Key
docker run -v ./cockroach-certs:/cockroach-certs cockroachdb/cockroach:v23.1.15 cert create-ca --certs-dir=/cockroach-certs --ca-key=/cockroach-certs/ca.key

# Step 3: Generate the CockroachDB Node Certificate and Key
docker run -v ./cockroach-certs:/cockroach-certs cockroachdb/cockroach:v23.1.15 cert create-node localhost db $(hostname) --certs-dir=/cockroach-certs --ca-key=/cockroach-certs/ca.key

# Step 4: Generate the Client Certificate and Key for the root User
docker run -v ./cockroach-certs:/cockroach-certs cockroachdb/cockroach:v23.1.15 cert create-client root --certs-dir=/cockroach-certs --ca-key=/cockroach-certs/ca.key

Run server

1. Build and Run with Docker Compose

Run the following command to build the Docker containers and start the server:

docker build -t leto-modelizer-api .
docker-compose up -d

This command will build leto-modelizer-api set up the server with the specified configuration.

2. Verify Installation

Once the containers are up and running, you can access your server at the defined SERVER_URL (https://localhost:8443/api/actuator/health in this example).

3. Clean Up

To stop and remove the Docker containers when you're done using the project, run:

docker-compose down

4. Launch the dashboard (optional)

In order to directly interact with the DB or the API, you can use the dashboard Leto-Modelizer-Admin.


  • Cockroach console can be accessed from http://localhost:8081/ and it uses login/password defined in configuration.

    Defaults are : login leto_admin, password password.

OAuth Authentication Setup

To configure OAuth authentication for Leto-modelizer, you need to set up an OAuth application with specific details. Follow the steps below to ensure proper configuration:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create an OAuth App:
  • Visit the GitHub tutorial on creating an OAuth app for detailed instructions.
  • Navigate to the OAuth apps settings in your GitHub account.
  1. Configure Your OAuth App:
  • When setting up your OAuth app, use the following configuration details:
    • Application Name: Leto-modelizer-api This is the name that will be displayed to users during the OAuth flow.
    • Homepage URL: https://localhost:8443/ Replace https://localhost:8443/ with the URL of your hosted application if it's not running locally.
    • Authorization Callback URL: https://localhost:8443/api/ Similarly, update this URL if your application is hosted at a different address.

Important Notes

  • The URLs provided are for a local development environment. Ensure you replace them with your actual application URLs in a production setup.
  • The Authorization Callback URL should point to the specific API endpoint in your application that handles OAuth callbacks.

By following these guidelines, you will set up OAuth authentication correctly for the Leto-modelizer application, enabling secure and streamlined user authentication.


Variable Required Description
DATABASE_HOST No, default: localhost:26257 A configuration parameter that specifies the hostname or IP address of the server where the database is hosted.
DATABASE_NAME No, default: leto_db A configuration parameter that specifies the name of the specific database to be accessed on the server.
DATABASE_USER No, default: leto_admin A configuration parameter indicating the username used to authenticate with the database server.
DATABASE_PASSWORD No, default: password A configuration parameter that specifies the password for authenticating the designated user with the database server.
SSL_KEY_STORE No, default: classpath:keystore.jks A configuration parameter specifying the file path to the keystore containing SSL/TLS certificates and keys for secure connections.
SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD No, default: password A configuration parameter that defines the password for accessing the SSL key store file.
SSL_KEY_PASSWORD No, default: password A configuration parameter that specifies the password for the individual SSL key within the key store.
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID Yes A configuration parameter used to specify the client ID for OAuth2 authentication with GitHub.
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET Yes A configuration parameter for setting the client secret in OAuth2 authentication with GitHub.
GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_AUTHORIZATION_URL No, default: A configuration parameter that specifies the URL for the authorization endpoint in GitHub's OAuth2 service.
GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN_URL No, default: A configuration parameter for defining the URL to obtain tokens from GitHub in OAuth2 authentication.
GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_USER_INFO_URL No, default: A configuration parameter used to set the URL for retrieving user information from GitHub in OAuth2 authentication.
LETO_MODELIZER_URL No, default: http://localhost:8080/ A configuration parameter to set the redirection URL on valid authentication for Leto-modelizer.
LETO_ADMIN_URL No, default: http://localhost:9000/ A configuration parameter to set the redirection URL on valid authentication for Leto-modelizer-admin.
LIBRARY_HOST_WHITELIST No, default: `` A configuration parameter that defines a comma-separated list of trusted hostnames or IP addresses, allowing the host for library download.
CSRF_TOKEN_TIMEOUT No, default: 3600 A configuration parameter that specifies the duration (in seconds) for which a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token remains valid. This setting is used to prevent CSRF attacks by ensuring that the token used in a client session expires after a certain period, requiring a new token for future requests.
USER_SESSION_TIMEOUT No, default: 3600 A configuration parameter that defines the time (in seconds) a user's session remains active without any activity. After this period, the user is automatically logged out to help protect against unauthorized access and to manage server resource utilization efficiently.
SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR_LOGIN No A configuration parameter that defines the username on Github of the SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR. It will create user if it doesn't exist and associate it to the SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR role.
AI_HOST No, default: http://localhost:8585/ A configuration parameter that defines the host of the ia server, example: http://localhost:8585/api/. If it's not set, users will not be approve to use ia in application.

Notes: GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_* variables are only required on self-hosted GitHub.


Create a [env_name].env file in the root of the project directory to store your configuration settings. Add the following variables to the .env file:

# Postgres configuration

# Api configuration

See Configuration section for more details.

Then run your docker compose with this command:

docker-compose --env-file [env_name].env up

Init super administrator

To init super administrator, add environment variable with the GitHub username to associate this user with the role SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR.

Environment variable name to use: SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR_LOGIN.


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Backend for leto-modelizer to manage libraries and access rights management







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