feat(android): common permission helpers to better handle denied state
feat(android): common permission helpers to better handle denied state
fix(ios): correct a potential issue in the FRE image utilities
fix(android): correct handling of '%' characters and other potential faults in logging implementation
fix(android): correct operation of authorisation result callbacks and add a complete event
feat(android): add new IActivityResultExtensionContext to simplify handling startActivityForResult on various platforms
feat(android): new IExtensionContext implementation to automatically create an activity for handling activity results
feat(android): auth updates to ensure compatibility with unity and other frameworks
feat(ios,macos,tvos): add some json utilities
feat(macos): add support for apple silicon processors
fix(android,auth): correct issue with fallback authorisation implementation events being dispatched to wrong extension
feat(android): add additional authorisation types for services that distinguish between always and in use
feat(android): add additional authorisation type to return events for distinguishing request source
feat(ios): remove bitcode
feat(ios): add no-objc-msgsend-selector-stubs compiler flag
feat(android): add centralised permissions/auth functionality using new AIR callbacks
fix(android): add some additional file provider utilities for handling cache files
fix(android): add some additional file provider utilities for handling cache files
fix(macos): correct format of frameworks included in macos build allowing symlinks
feat(integration): update public integration libraries
Added windows 64bit support
Removed ios_version_min (#26)
Corrected framework in macOS build which caused issues with signing
Added additional iOS helper utilities
Updated Core iOS libraries - fixed some iOS 12.4 related issues
Added macOS Core implementation for macOS extensions
Fixed iOS issue with multiple dispatching of launch options (eg notification events)
Updated to new iOS core library xcframework
Updated windows extcontext base code
Windows bug fix for ADL crash and removed event log usage (resolves #19)
Android X (resolves #18)
Added windows platform for common dependencies
Android 64bit support (resolves #8)
Increased iOS minimum version to 9
Updated minimum iOS version to 8.0
Corrected issue with shortcut actions when in background
Updated generic FileProvider asset utilities for Android
Updated generic FileProvider utilities for Android
Lowered minimum supported version to AIR 24
Reduced swf-version to increase compatibility
Android: Updated image conversion library
Added functionality to help with @available usage in iOS frameworks
Fixed issue with Android extensions accessing AIR view
Additional Android helpers
Updated internal caching of asset files
Added additional Android support libs
Latest updates to core libraries
Added AppleTV platform and some bug fixes
Updates for Android core libs
Updates to the iOS App Delegate overrides to work better with other ANEs
Updates to the iOS App Delegate overrides to work better with other ANEs
Updated framework signature
iOS 10: Centralisation of new notifications delegate
Updates for Firebase Dynamic Links
Updates to core libraries
Updated Android libraries
Android: removed some old permissions
Small addition of an Android class used by some extensions
Latest Core additions and added noair version for conflict resolutions
Added additional Android core class
Added some Android logging utilities
Android support library update and new version system
Updated core Android tools
Updated to be compatible with latest support ANEs
Added new common Android dependencies
Update to include common AIR extension classes
Latest updates for new notifications and force touch features
Removed debug code from AS lib
iOS: Updated to latest common lib
Android: Windows: Fix for bug in AIR packager resulting in missing resources
Android: x86 Support
Changed core symbol definitions
iOS: Corrected InvokeEvent operation (resolves #2, resolves distriqt/ANE-PushNotifications/#32, resolves distriqt/ANE-FacebookAPI/#27)