The DkML distribution is an open-source set of software that supports software development in pure OCaml. The distribution's strengths are its:
- full compatibility with OCaml standards like Opam, Dune and ocamlfind
- laser focus on "native" development (desktop software, mobile apps and embedded software) through support for the standard native compilers like Visual Studio and Xcode
- ease-of-use through simplified installers and simple productivity commands; high school students should be able to use it
- security through reproducibility, versioning and from-source builds
Do not use this distribution if you have a space in your username
(ex. C:\Users\Jane Smith
These alternatives may be better depending on your use case:
- Developing in a Javascript first environment? Have a look at Esy and Reason
- Developing operating system kernels? Have a look at Mirage OS
- Developing Linux server software like web servers? Plain old OCaml on Debian, etc. works well
- Writing compilers or proofs? Plain old OCaml works really well
- Wanting quick installations? Use anything but DkML! DkML will conduct from-source builds unless it can guarantee (and code sign) the binaries are reproducible. Today that means a lot of compiling.
The DKML Installer for OCaml generates and distributes installers for the DkML distribution. Windows is ready today; macOS will be available soon.
Commercial tools and support are available from Diskuv for mixed OCaml/C
development; however, this pure OCaml distribution only has limited support
for mixed OCaml/C. For example, the ctypes
opam package has been patched
to work with Visual Studio but is out-dated. Contact
support AT if you need OCaml/C development.
For news about DkML,
on Twitter.
Please visit our documentation at
The DkML distribution uses an open-source, liberal Apache v2 license.
After installation, open a new Command Prompt or PowerShell, open an interactive "full" REPL with:
C:\> utop-full
(* Real World OCaml book: This is similar to the .ocamlinit
shown on the book's Installation page.
Learn more at *)
#require "base";;
open Base;;
(* Real World OCaml book: This is one example from the Error
Handling section. *)
List.find [1;2;3] ~f:(fun x -> x >= 2);;
(* refl: Type-safe type reflection. Learn more at *)
#require "refl";;
#require "refl.ppx";;
(* refl: PPX-es are macros that generate tedious code for you.
Here is a basic example of a binary tree type with the
[@@deriving refl] macro attached. You'll see a ton of
generated code. *)
type 'a binary_tree =
| Leaf
| Node of { left : 'a binary_tree; label : 'a; right : 'a binary_tree }
[@@deriving refl] ;;
(* refl: Here is an example of how the generated code is
used. *) [%refl: string binary_tree] []
(Node { left = Leaf; label = "root"; right = Leaf });;
(* graphics: A simple cross-platform 2D drawing library.
Learn more at *)
#require "graphics";;
open Graphics;;
open_graph " 640x480";;
for i = 12 downto 1 do
let radius = i * 20 in
set_color (if i mod 2 = 0 then red else yellow);
fill_circle 320 240 radius
(* sqlite3: A file-based database.
Learn more at *)
#require "sqlite3";;
open Sqlite3;;
let schema = "CREATE TABLE test_values ( " ^
" row_id INTEGER NOT NULL, " ^
" string_col TEXT NULL, " ^
" int_col INT NULL, " ^
" int64_col INT NULL, " ^
" float_col FLOAT NULL, " ^
" bool_col INT NULL" ^
");" ;;
let insert_sql = "INSERT INTO test_values " ^
"(row_id, string_col, int_col, int64_col, float_col, bool_col) " ^
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ;;
let select_sql = "SELECT " ^
"string_col, int_col, int64_col, float_col, bool_col " ^
"FROM test_values WHERE row_id = ?" ;;
(* Construct database and statements *)
let db = db_open "t_values";;
let rc = exec db schema;;
Printf.printf "Created schema: %s" (Rc.to_string rc);;
let insert_stmt = prepare db insert_sql;;
let select_stmt = prepare db select_sql;;
(* Insert values in row 1 *)
let test_float_val = 56.789 ;;
reset insert_stmt;;
bind insert_stmt 1 (Sqlite3.Data.INT 1L);;
bind insert_stmt 2 (Data.opt_text (Some "Hi Mom"));;
bind insert_stmt 3 (Data.opt_int (Some 1));;
bind insert_stmt 4 (Data.opt_int64 (Some Int64.max_int));;
bind insert_stmt 5 (Data.opt_float (Some test_float_val));;
bind insert_stmt 6 (Data.opt_bool (Some true));;
step insert_stmt;;
(* Fetch data back with values *)
reset select_stmt;;
bind select_stmt 1 (Sqlite3.Data.INT 1L);;
Sqlite3.step select_stmt;;
Data.to_string_exn (column select_stmt 0);;
Data.to_int_exn (column select_stmt 1);;
Data.to_int64_exn (column select_stmt 2);;
Data.to_float_exn (column select_stmt 3);;
Data.to_bool_exn (column select_stmt 4);;
The DkML distribution would not be possible without many people's efforts!
Some of the critical pieces were provided by:
- Andreas Hauptmann (fdopen@) - Maintained the defacto Windows ports of OCaml for who knows how long
- INRIA for creating and maintaining OCaml
- Tarides, OCamlPro, Jane Street and the contributors to