standing on the shoulders of giants
Find out what packages you use and maybe thank the authors :)
# identifies the packages currently loaded in your session
shoulders() # equal to shoulders("session")
# shows all maintainers of your package library
# find out about a specific package
# by default it lists all dependencies of that package as well
shoulders("package", "ropenaq", include_dependencies = FALSE)
shoulders("package", "ropenaq")
Everything here is still work in progress. Any feedback appreciated.
Find out what packages you have already starred on Github. Inspired by the node module appreciate.
gh_starred(c("ropenaq", "Rcpp", "dplyr"))
#> hadley/dplyr: ★ Starred.
#> RcppCore/Rcpp: ★ Starred.
#> ropensci/ropenaq: ★ Starred.
If you are developing a package, you can call appreciate
in your working directory. If there is a DESCRIPTION
file, it parses it and checks if you have already starred the dependencies on github. The function fails, if the working directory does not contain a DESCRIPTION
#> Checking dependencies for thankr:
#> gaborcsardi/crayon: ★ Starred.
#> hadley/testthat: ★ Starred.
#> jimhester/covr: ★ Starred.
#> ropensci/crul: ★ Starred.
If you found a bug or want to propose a feature, feel free to visit the issues page.