- --foo
test argument
It is possible to add addition information for one command. Now the user can ype <-h -t> and see this additional informa tion
short: -t
long : --test
foo test argument required argument example
prints the next element to the cli
short: -f
long : --foo
number of additional parameter: 1
This argument is requires
echo text
echo the next argument
short: -p
long : --print
number of additional parameter: 1
enum example
here is just a pre defined set of arguments allowed
short: -e
long : --enums
number of additional parameter: 1
allowed parameter: abc def xyz
example to complete a file/dir
short: -o
long : --open
number of additional parameter: 1
disabledCli highlighting
short: -nh
long : --noHighlight
enable logging
short: -l
long : --logging
generate logfile
short: -logf
long : --logFile