Easy comment interaction with persistent key based comment tracking across multiple runs. Upsert, post, delete comments.
To simply post a comment in the current PR. By default, the Pull Request number
is determined automatically from the github context or an API call to retrieve
PRs associated with the commit - this works with pull_request
events and push
events associated with merge commits.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
comment: Comment from run ${{ github.run_id }}.
For the ability to get, update or delete a comment later, simply add a key. The key is embedded in an HTML comment, and will be hidden from view.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
comment: Comment from run ${{ github.run_id }}.
key: main-comment
Later on, in the same or a different run, workflow or job, the same comment can be interacted with by specifying the same key.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
comment: Updated comment from run ${{ github.run_id }}.
key: main-comment
The default operation is upsert
- which creates a new comment if a matching
comment does not exist, or update an existing comment if it does. Other
operations exist, like delete
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
key: main-comment
operation: delete
In addition to (or in place of) tracking a comment by a key, a comment can be located with a jq compatible regular expression (regex) that is tested against the body of existing comments.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
operation: delete
regex: Created by GitHub Run [0-9]+
Regex flags can even be used for advanced regex matching including case insensitive and multi-line modes.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
operation: delete
regex: created by github run [0-9]+
regex_flags: im
When finding a previous comment based on author, key, and/or regex, a later operation will typically operate on the last matching comment found. However, this behavior can be changed to work on the first matching comment, or all matching comments.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
match: all
operation: delete
regex: Created by GitHub Run [0-9]+
In some cases, commenting on a PR in a different repository and/or pull request
is desired. This can be useful when using triggers other than on: pull_request
or when pull requesting from a forked repo. Note that when commenting in a
different repo, the default token will need to be overridden.
- uses: direct-actions/pr-comment@v1
comment: Comment from ${{ github.repository }} run ${{ github.run_id }}.
pull_request: 572
repository: other-org/other-repository
token: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}
- add pagination iteration / merging routing