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Added internal test code for depth mapping
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dipterix committed Jul 29, 2024
1 parent d0f93db commit d8fc18c
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Showing 3 changed files with 298 additions and 3 deletions.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
## Changes since last CRAN release
* `8a7d56e6 (HEAD -> master)` [_`dipterix`_]: Fixed a singular matrix bug when the electrode prototype `up` vector is zero or is parallel with the model direction
* `dd16370a (origin/master, origin/HEAD)` [_`dipterix`_]: Allowed the surface mapped electrodes to be snapped to the surface if the surface world matrix is not identity; Force the inflated brain to have offset positions
* `72e4487f (HEAD -> master)` [_`dipterix`_]: Added internal test code for depth mapping
* `d0f93db6` [_`dipterix`_]: Surface mapping has been implemented for depth electrodes, with dynamic offset threshold
* `8f9ab813` [_`dipterix`_]: `surface_offset` has been added to electrode field
* `b9ef710d` [_`dipterix`_]: `cvs_avg35_inMNI152` has the correct `talXFM` (scanner to `MNI305`) now
* `bb328b96` [_`dipterix`_]: Added `load_mesh` to surface object so users can load surface mesh for computation in `R`; Added internal `calculate_distances` to compute the distances from a point to its projection to a list of mesh
* `02165822` [_`dipterix`_]: `DistanceShifted` in electrode table is taken into account and will be passed to electrode instances
* `f703c24b` [_`dipterix`_]: Inflated surfaces have offset by default
* `988fd65e (origin/master, origin/HEAD)` [_`dipterix`_]: Fixed a singular matrix bug when the electrode prototype `up` vector is zero or is parallel with the model direction
* `dd16370a` [_`dipterix`_]: Allowed the surface mapped electrodes to be snapped to the surface if the surface world matrix is not identity; Force the inflated brain to have offset positions
* `18df6e14` [_`dipterix`_]: Bump `dev` version
* `074adfb1` [_`dipterix`_]: Added `DBS` electrode prototype `BSC-DB-2202`
* `00ba2111` [_`dipterix`_]: Prototype `set_transform_from_points` now tries to set rotation from transform `Euler` angle when the prototype guided marker is 1-ranked (electrode strip, `DBS` electrodes)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: threeBrain
Type: Package
Title: Your Advanced 3D Brain Visualization
Authors@R: c(
person("Zhengjia", "Wang", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph")),
person("John", "Magnotti", email = "", role = c("ctb", "res")),
Expand Down
288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions adhoc/surface_mapping.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
raveio::raveio_setopt("raw_data_dir", "/Volumes/BeauchampServe/rave_data/raw")
raveio::raveio_setopt("data_dir", "/Volumes/BeauchampServe/rave_data/ent_data/")

project_name <- "mTurkWords"
subject_code <- "YEZ"
template_name <- "cvs_avg35_inMNI152"

electrodes <- "36-39,46-49,93-99,111-113,139-140,142,145-152,205-208"

max_distance <- 3

# ---- Load data ---------------------------------------------------------------
subject <- raveio::RAVESubject$new(project_name = project_name,
subject_code = subject_code)
brain <- raveio::rave_brain(subject)

electrode_coords <- brain$electrodes$raw_table[
brain$electrodes$raw_table$Electrode %in% dipsaus::parse_svec(electrodes),

# Load surfaces
# Run with Coord_xyz
obj_pial <- brain$add_surface("pial")
obj_white <- brain$add_surface("smoothwm")
if(is.null(obj_white)) {
obj_white <- brain$add_surface("white")
obj_sphere_reg <- brain$add_surface("sphere.reg")
obj_sphere <- brain$add_surface("sphere")

# Load surfaces into memory
pial <- list(
left = obj_pial$load_mesh("left"),
right = obj_pial$load_mesh("right")
white <- list(
left = obj_white$load_mesh("left"),
right = obj_white$load_mesh("right")
sphere_reg <- list(
left = obj_sphere_reg$load_mesh("left"),
right = obj_sphere_reg$load_mesh("right")
sphere <- list(
left = obj_sphere$load_mesh("left"),
right = obj_sphere$load_mesh("right")

sulc <- list(
left = freesurferformats::read.fs.curv(file.path(brain$base_path, "surf", "lh.sulc")),
right = freesurferformats::read.fs.curv(file.path(brain$base_path, "surf", "rh.sulc"))
curv <- list(
left = freesurferformats::read.fs.curv(file.path(brain$base_path, "surf", "lh.curv")),
right = freesurferformats::read.fs.curv(file.path(brain$base_path, "surf", "lh.curv"))
aparc_2009 <- list(
left = freesurferformats::read.fs.annot("/Volumes/BeauchampServe/rave_data/raw/YEZ/rave-imaging/fs/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot"),
right = freesurferformats::read.fs.annot("/Volumes/BeauchampServe/rave_data/raw/YEZ/rave-imaging/fs/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot")

stats <- structure(
names = names(aparc_2009),
lapply(names(aparc_2009), function(hemi) {
aparc <- aparc_2009[[hemi]]
ROI_table <- aparc$colortable_df#[aparc$colortable_df$struct_name %in% c('S_temporal_sup', aparc$colortable_df$struct_name[grepl("temp_sup", aparc$colortable_df$struct_name)]),]

sel <- aparc$label_codes %in% ROI_table$code
sts_nodes <- aparc$vertices[sel] + 1
sts_color <- aparc$hex_colors_rgb[sel]

# # Find lowest sulc
# sv <- curv[[hemi]][sts_nodes]
# pos <- white[[hemi]]$vertices[sts_nodes, , drop = FALSE]
# # A-P for each 1mm, find valley
# rg <- range(pos[, 2])
# rg <- c(floor(rg[[1]]), ceiling(rg[[2]]))
# by <- 0.5
# anteriors <- seq(rg[[1]], rg[[2]] - by, by = by)
# pos_a <- pos[, 2]
# valley_subidx <- sapply(anteriors, function(a) {
# sel <- which(pos_a > a & pos_a < (a+by))
# if(!length(sel)) { return(NA) }
# idx <- which.max(sv[sel])
# sel[idx]
# })
# valley_subidx <- valley_subidx[!]
# valley_idx <- sts_nodes[valley_subidx]

nodes = sts_nodes,
# valley = valley_idx,
color = sts_color

# ---- Fix the hemisphere ------------------------------------------------------
tkr_ras <- as.matrix(electrode_coords[, c("Coord_x", "Coord_y", "Coord_z")])

dist_to_pial <- threeBrain:::calculate_distances(positions = tkr_ras, mesh_list = list(
left = list(vertices = pial$left$vertices[stats$left$nodes,,drop = FALSE]),
right = list(vertices = pial$right$vertices[stats$right$nodes,,drop = FALSE])
dist_to_pial$left$index <- stats$left$nodes[dist_to_pial$left$index]
dist_to_pial$right$index <- stats$right$nodes[dist_to_pial$right$index]
dist_to_white <- threeBrain:::calculate_distances(positions = tkr_ras, mesh_list = list(
left = list(vertices = white$left$vertices[stats$left$nodes,,drop = FALSE]),
right = list(vertices = white$right$vertices[stats$right$nodes,,drop = FALSE])
dist_to_white$left$index <- stats$left$nodes[dist_to_white$left$index]
dist_to_white$right$index <- stats$right$nodes[dist_to_white$right$index]

# Using white-matter for distance calculation
distances <- dist_to_white
hemisphere <- ifelse(distances$right$distance < distances$left$distance, "right", "left")
sel <- tolower(electrode_coords$Hemisphere) %in% c("right", "left")
hemisphere[sel] <- electrode_coords$Hemisphere[sel]
electrode_coords$Hemisphere <- hemisphere

calc_dijkstras <- function(hemi, obj, max_dist = 50) {
is_hemi <- ! & hemisphere == hemi
node_hemi <- distances[[hemi]]$index[is_hemi]
vert_hemi <- obj[[hemi]]$vertices
face_hemi <- obj[[hemi]]$faces

prefix <- electrode_coords$LabelPrefix[is_hemi]
dijkstras_paths <- lapply(seq_len(length(node_hemi) - 1), function(ii) {
idx <- which(prefix == prefix[[ii]])
idx <- idx[idx > ii]
if(!length(idx)) { return(NULL) }
dijkstras_hemi <- ravetools::dijkstras_surface_distance(
positions = vert_hemi,
faces = face_hemi,
start_node = node_hemi[[ii]],
max_search_distance = max_dist,
face_index_start = 1

dists <- sapply(idx, function(jj) {
path <- ravetools::surface_path(dijkstras_hemi, target_node = node_hemi[[ jj ]])
dist <- path$distance[[nrow(path)]]
if( { dist <- Inf }

jj <- idx[which.min(dists)][[1]]
path <- ravetools::surface_path(dijkstras_hemi, target_node = node_hemi[[ jj ]])




dijkstras <- list(
left = calc_dijkstras('left', white),
right = calc_dijkstras('right', white)

# visualize
snapshot <- function(hemi, obj, plot_orig = TRUE, plot_paths = TRUE, cex = 1) {
is_hemi <- ! & hemisphere == hemi
tkr_hemi <- tkr_ras[is_hemi,, drop = FALSE]
node_hemi <- distances[[hemi]]$index[is_hemi]

label_predix <- factor(electrode_coords$LabelPrefix[is_hemi], levels = sort(unique(electrode_coords$LabelPrefix)))

# white_proj_hemi <- distances[[hemi]]$position[is_hemi, , drop = FALSE]

vert_hemi <- obj[[hemi]]$vertices
# face_hemi <- obj[[hemi]]$faces
# valley_node_hemi <- stats[[hemi]]$valley
sulc_node_hemi <- stats[[hemi]]$nodes
# curv_hemi <- curv[[hemi]][sulc_node_hemi]

proj_hemi <- vert_hemi[node_hemi,, drop = FALSE]

range_hemi <- apply(vert_hemi[sulc_node_hemi,,drop = FALSE], 2, range)
range_hemi[1, ] <- floor(range_hemi[1, ])
range_hemi[2, ] <- ceiling(range_hemi[2, ])

# prefix <- electrode_coords$LabelPrefix[is_hemi]
dijkstras_paths <- dijkstras[[hemi]]

col <- rep(dipsaus::col2hexStr("gray90", alpha = 0.2), nrow(vert_hemi))
col[sulc_node_hemi] <- dipsaus::col2hexStr(stats[[hemi]]$color, alpha = 0.2)

# if(hemi == "left") {
# valley_sel <- sulc_node_hemi[curv_hemi > 0 & curv_hemi < 0.05]
# } else {
# valley_sel <- sulc_node_hemi[curv_hemi < 0 & curv_hemi > -0.05]
# }
# col[valley_sel] <- "black"
# col[valley_node_hemi] <- "black"

elec_cols <- threeBrain:::DEFAULT_COLOR_DISCRETE[as.integer(label_predix)]

# Visualize projection
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
# Coronal
c(1, 3), c(2, 3), c(1, 2)
), function(o) {

# plot(vert_hemi[, o], pch = ".", asp = 1, axes = FALSE, col = col)
# points(tkr_hemi[, o], pch = 1, col = elec_cols, cex = cex)
# points(white_proj_hemi[, o], pch = 20, col = elec_cols, cex = cex)

plot(vert_hemi[, o], pch = ".", asp = 1, axes = FALSE, col = col,
xlim = range_hemi[, o[[1]]], ylim = range_hemi[, o[[2]]])
if(plot_orig) {
points(tkr_hemi[, o], pch = 1, col = elec_cols, cex = cex)
arrows(x0 = tkr_hemi[, o[[1]]], x1 = proj_hemi[, o[[1]]], y0 = tkr_hemi[, o[[2]]], y1 = proj_hemi[, o[[2]]], col = elec_cols, length = 0.05)
points(proj_hemi[, o], pch = 20, col = elec_cols, cex = cex)

# lapply(seq_along(node_hemi), function(ii) {
# path <- ravetools::surface_path(dijkstras_hemi, target_node = node_hemi[[ ii ]])
# if(length(path) > 0 && nrow(path) > 1) {
# path_coords <- vert_hemi[path$path, o, drop = FALSE]
# nr <- nrow(path_coords)
# x0 <- path_coords[1:(nr-1),1]
# y0 <- path_coords[1:(nr-1),2]
# x1 <- path_coords[2:nr,1]
# y1 <- path_coords[2:nr,2]
# segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = elec_cols[[ii]], lwd = 1)
# }
# })
if( plot_paths ) {
lapply(dijkstras_paths, function(path) {
if(length(path) > 0 && nrow(path) > 1) {
path_coords <- vert_hemi[path$path, o, drop = FALSE]
nr <- nrow(path_coords)
x0 <- path_coords[1:(nr-1),1]
y0 <- path_coords[1:(nr-1),2]
x1 <- path_coords[2:nr,1]
y1 <- path_coords[2:nr,2]
segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = "black", lwd = 1)

par(mfrow = c(3, 3), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
cex = 2
# snapshot('left', pial, plot_orig = TRUE, plot_paths = FALSE, cex = cex)
# snapshot('left', pial, plot_orig = FALSE, plot_paths = TRUE, cex = cex)
# snapshot('left', sphere, plot_orig = FALSE, cex = cex)

snapshot('right', pial, plot_orig = TRUE, plot_paths = FALSE, cex = cex)
snapshot('right', pial, plot_orig = FALSE, plot_paths = TRUE, cex = cex)
snapshot('right', sphere, plot_orig = FALSE, cex = cex)

# ---- Map to template surfaces ------------------------------------------------
# electrode_coords$SurfaceElectrode <- TRUE
electrode_coords$DistanceShifted <- 0
sel <- ! & hemisphere == "left"
electrode_coords[sel, c("Sphere_x", "Sphere_y", "Sphere_z")] <- sphere_reg$left$vertices[ distances$left$index[sel], , drop = FALSE ]
electrode_coords[sel, "DistanceShifted"] <- distances$left$distance[sel]
sel <- ! & hemisphere == "right"
electrode_coords[sel, c("Sphere_x", "Sphere_y", "Sphere_z")] <- sphere_reg$right$vertices[ distances$right$index[sel], , drop = FALSE ]
electrode_coords[sel, "DistanceShifted"] <- distances$right$distance[sel]

brain <- raveio::rave_brain(subject)
brain$set_electrodes(electrode_coords, priority = "sphere")

template <- threeBrain::merge_brain(brain, template_subject = template_name)
template$plot(additional_subjects = brain$subject_code)

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