A simple C program that sends a magic packet
You can use this program to wake up a PC over the network. It sends the so called magic packet to the network card of the target PC, instructing it to open the PC. [Download]
./WakeOnLAN <mac address>[ <broadcast address>]
The first parameter is the mac address of the target (usually your's network card's mac address). The second parameter is optional and defines the broadcast address to send the packet.
./WakeOnLAN 00:11:22:33:44:55
Platform | Links |
Windows | x86 |
Linux | x64 |
Raspberry Pi | arm |
For Linux you can compile the source using GCC
gcc WakeOnLAN.c -o WakeOnLAN
For Windows you can compile the source using MinGW
gcc WakeOnLAN.c -o WakeOnLAN.exe -lwsock32
GNU make can be used in order to compile the sources on Linux/Mac:
to clean everything:
make clean
For any problem you may open an issue
Also, you can send me a mail
This project is under The MIT license. I do although appreciate attribute.
Copyright (c) 2019 Grammatopoulos Athanasios-Vasileios