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This is a gradle root project for simplifying the editing and testing of multiple Microsoft auth SDKs and Libraries at the same time.


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This repository contains a build gradle and git alias commands for building ADAL, MSAL, Authentication Broker, Common and test apps. This project is intended for use by developers building and verifying integration primarily between ADAL, MSAL and the Android Authentication Broker.


The android related auth projects pull artifacts from public and private package repositories. The private artifacts are published using Azure DevOps. You will need to generate and store the credentials for the Identity and Aria azure devops instances.

  1. Go to
  2. Select "New Token"
  3. Select Organization -> IdentityDivision
  4. Set the token expiration date as you see fit
  5. Select Scopes -> Packaging Read

Copy this token and save it. It is your vstsMavenAccessToken, placed in below. It is used by your local gradle builds to access artifacts in the microsoft maven repository in visualstudio online. If you see errors like "Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized" then this token is not set up correctly.

  1. Go to You'll need a github account.
  2. Join 'AzureAD' organization (to get an access to Broker) via
  3. Join 'Microsoft' organization (to get an access to Authenticator app's submodule.) via
  4. Set up your github credential on your dev machine.

Then add the following to your gradle properties (in your user folder on windows in the .gradle folder. You may need to create this file: Learn more about gradle configuration properties here) file using the token values from the generate credentials UI:

vstsMavenAccessToken=[Insert a PAT for the Android DevX Feed here]
adoMsazureAuthAppAccessToken=[Insert a PAT for the Authenticator App Feed here] (Only needed if you set up Authenticator App Dependency Feed)
vstsOfficeMavenAccessToken=[Insert a PAT for Office Feed here]

NOTE: By default, this global is located at

  1. ~/.gradle/ (OSX)
  2. C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\.gradle\ (Windows)

(The folders could be hidden)

NOTE: The sample configuration produced by Azure DevOps changed when the service was renamed from Visual Studio Online to Azure DevOps... the vstsUsername VSTS is still accepted.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run the following commands from within the repo to register the custom aliases and initiate the clone and setup for the Android projects/repositories
# Include the .gitconfig file included with project to your local gitconfig
git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig
# Run this newly minted command to clone each repo as a subfolder
git droidSetup
  1. Open Android Studio and open project from the folder you cloned into (project: android_auth)
  2. Update your build variants to point to use localDebug. See more in the next section.
  3. (OSX only) Install Powershell
  4. Install Lombok Plugin in Android Studio, see next section.

Installing Lombok to Android Studio

Since Android Studio officially dropped Lombok Support, you will need to manually install Lombok by yourself for each Android Studio update.

There are 2 ways to do this.

1. Copy lombok to the default plugin folder (Preferred)

  1. under /lombok subfolder, copy the /lombok/lombok folder to Android Studio/plugins (Windows), or Android Studio -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> plugins (OSX).
    • The folder structure should be plugins/lombok/lib/..

Note: This lombok folder is extracted from

2. Modify and manually install via plugin settings

We've provided the zipped plugin for you already under /lombok subfolder. If the build for your android version is not there, you can follow the steps below to generate your own compatible lombok.

  1. Download The latest release (0.34.1-2019.1) and extract.
  2. Navigate to lombok-plugin\lib
  3. Open META-INF\plugin.xml.
  4. Look for <idea-version>, under until-build, set to the latest build version. You can get this information from "About Android Studio"
    • For example, set until-build="AI-213.*" for Dolphin
  5. Execute jar uf lombok-plugin-0.34.1-2019.1.jar META-INF/plugin.xml
  6. Rezip the whole lombok-plugin folder.
  7. Don't forget to add it to /lombok subfolder, so that other people can use :)

After that, go to Android Studio's plugins page (Under preferences), choose "Install plugin from disk", and select the compatible plugin zip file.

Build Variants

All projects with the exception of "Common" and "MSAuthenticator" have local, dist and snapshot variants. Where:

  • local: Indicates that local dependencies and build configuration should be used.
  • snapshot: Indicates that nightly build artifacts and build configuration should be used.
  • dist: Indicates that release dependencies and build configuration should be used.

The default build variants, cannot be configured via gradle, to the best of my knowledge. As a result you'll need to configure them. Generally you will want to set everything to:


Where "local" is the name of the variant and "Debug" is the build type.

For MSAuthenticator, please use "devDebug" to test against PROD, and "integrationDebug" to test against INT.

Projects Properties (Command Line Build flags)

We support a number of different project properties as command line flags across some of our modules. Please read the doc on Gradle Project Properties to learn more about them.

Usage - Custom git commands

Running droidSetup will clone ADAL, MSAL, Broker (AD Accounts) and Common into sub-folders. Each of these folders is a separate git repo. In order to help ease the management of changes to those repos the following custom git commands are provided for your convenience. Please feel free to propose additional commands and/or changes to this initial set.

A typical flow would include:

# Create a new feature branch in each repo
git droidNewFeature githubid-newfeature

# Make the changes for your feature/change

# Check status
git droidStatus

# If changes to common were made
# Push changes to common then run droidUpdateCommon
git droidUpdateCommon

# Push changes made to other repos

# On Github create PRs to integrate the feature branches

NOTE: Open to adding support for droidPush and for opening PRs from the command line.


This build places a shared common repo at the root of the global project. In order to ensure that your checkin builds for ADAL, MSAL and broker are updated with the correct sub-module pointer the following command is provided to update the sub-modules to the matching revision.

git droidUpdateCommon

NOTE: Your changes to common need to be committed and pushed to github in order for the sub-module update to succeed.


Outputs the git status for each of the repos under the project

git droidStatus


Creates a new feature with the specified name in each of the repositories

git droidNewFeature <nameofnewfeaturebranch>


Attempts to check out the specified branch in each repo

git droidCheckout <nameofbranchtocheckout>


Pulls changes from origin to local for each repository

git droidPull


Runs stash on each of the repositories...

git droidStash
git droidStash apply
git droidStash clear


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


This is a gradle root project for simplifying the editing and testing of multiple Microsoft auth SDKs and Libraries at the same time.







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  • Kotlin 32.7%
  • PowerShell 27.2%
  • Java 17.4%
  • Dockerfile 12.9%
  • Handlebars 8.1%
  • JavaScript 1.7%