Dinesh Kumar MR - CB.EN.U4AIE20011 Jangala Gouthami - CB.EN.U4AIE20032 Paval KS - CB.EN.U4AIE20047 Shreya Sanghamitra - CB.EN.U4AIE20066 Shrish Surya NT - CB.EN.U4AIE20067
This project uses the Tweepy library and the Twitter API to stream tweets from Twitter and store them in a MongoDB cluster. The stored tweets are then analyzed using PyMongo and also two machine learning models: HashingTF+IDF+Logistic Regression and CountVectorizer+IDF+Logistic Regression. The results are then visualized using MongoDB Charts.
- Python v3.9.0
- Tweepy v4.4.0
- PyMongo v4.0.1
- Pyspark v3.3.1
- Pandas v1.3.4
- Jupyter Notebook v6.4.5
- MongoDB