sbt clean && sbt compile && sbt assembly
[GREEDY=false] [PARALLEL=true] [DEPTH=n] [SOLUTIONS=n] java -jar target/scala-2.11/crane-assembly-1.0.jar [-f] [--pdf] [--propinf] [-z] --format-in mln example.mln
to output function definitions--pdf
to visualise the graph before and after smoothingGREEDY=false
to run in hybrid search mode. Additional options:DEPTH=n
to stop the search once the search tree reaches depthn + 1
to stop the search once we haven
to (numerically) compute the weighted model count. Additional options:--propinf
to ditch first-order model counting and do propositional model counting insteadPARALLEL=true
to evaluate each solution on its own thread (assuming thatGREEDY=false
- Dilkas P., Belle V. Synthesising Recursive Functions for First-Order Model Counting: Challenges, Progress, and Conjectures. KR 2023.
- Dilkas P. Generalising Weighted Model Counting. University of Edinburgh 2023.