A Linux or OSX Based computer with at least 16GB of RAM.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Docker
- kind
- kubectl
- flux
- gnupg
- jq this one or the brew formula
- github cli
Ensure you have the following accounts:
- Github
- Dockerhub
You will need to setup a CLASSIC github personal access token that has repo
and package:read
permissions. It will need to be set as an ENVAR that the CLI tools can access, we recommend either setting it in the terminal or as a part of your shell profile.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>
You will also need a DockerHub account with a public repository setup that we can push containers to via an access token.
Install using homebrew:
brew install kind kubectl fluxcd/tap/flux@2.3 gnupg jq gh
You should install docker desktop from the Docker website.
Install the listed dependencies using a package manager of your choice.
Having an understanding of the following subjects will useful:
- Python
- Kubernetes
- Git
- Docker
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/digicatapult/bridgeAI-gitops-infra.git
Ensure that the Docker engine has at least 12GB of RAM resourced to it and several GB of swap.
Run the ./scripts/add-kind-cluster.sh
Select the GitOps branch you wish to track and run ./scripts/install-flux.sh -b <branch>
This will bring up a kind cluster with flux installed and will automatically install nginx and airflow
Verify that all the helm charts have successfully installed
flux get helmreleases -A
See local workflow document for running the localised demonstrator.
You can access the airflow UI on http://localhost:3080/airflow Username: admin Password: admin
You can access the MLFlow UI on http://localhost:3080/mlflow Username: admin Password: password You can set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI clientside as http://localhost:3080/ if you wish to use the mlflow binary clientside. Airflow has a variable set to locate the mlflow_tracking_uri
MinIO is used as the storage backend to store MLFlow's artifacts
To access MinIO UI perform port forwarding on the svc:
kubectl port-forward svc/mlflow-minio 9001 -n default
Access MinIO UI on: Username: admin Password: password
We use a separate instance of MinIO as the storage backends for DVC data and Evidently reports.
To access this instance of MinIO UI perform port forwarding on the svc:
kubectl port-forward svc/minio 9002:9001 -n default
Access MinIO UI on: Username: admin Password: password
KServe is used as our model serving and inference framework. We are using it in rawDeployment
mode which means a container is spawned for running the model application. This a Kubernetes CRD
and can only be queried using kubectl commands. You can see which CRDs can be queried using the kubectl get crd |grep kserve
command. We typically only make use of the inferenceservices
CRD in this demonstrator.
The Prediction service is a REST API for interfacing with the house-price prediction inference service. It is presented as a swagger UI and is available at http://localhost:3080/swagger
To delete a cluster
kind delete clusters bridgeai-gitops-infra
Verify if cluster is deleted
kubectl config get-contexts