This research seeks to examine best practice in the field of digital editions by collating relevant evidence in a detailed catalogue of extant digital projects. The editions included in the Catalogue come from numerous sources and their selection follows basic criteria: the electronic texts can be ongoing or complete projects, born-digital editions or electronic reproductions of print volumes.
More information:
This project's home is the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities. The Catalogue Web Application is a collaboration with the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities.
Indexed in OpenAIRE and in the Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS).
The Catalogue of Digital Editions by Greta Franzini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The data-schema is curated in schema.json. This is obvisouly some custom format incuding information to
- create a typesense index (used in the webapplication)
- create a human readable documentation of the data-schema
- create an issue template providing a forms to suggest a new entry. Go to create new issue to check it out.
run ./scripts/
to update all schema-related files
This script fetches the payload of a new-entry issue and merges it into the the main data-set.
- create and checkout an issue branch
- adapt ISSUE_NR in the script
- run the script
- check the result, replace the generic ID
with a new one - commit and merge the result into main branch via PR
The Quality of Data repo provides an worklow checking if the URLs in the Catalogue are currently available. By running
python scripts/
the results of this health checked are added to the Catalogue data.