Query the BitStamp API in Java 17. No external libraries used. And It is compatible with android.
It is a maven project, to create the JAR package only execute mvn clean package -DskipTests
and it will be in the target
import com.diego_hernando.bitStamp_java_lib.BitStampAPI;
BitStampApi api=new BitStampAPI();
import com.diego_hernando.bitStamp_java_lib.BitStampCurrencyPairs;
//Get the balance of ETH and EUR from your account.
String ethEurBalance=api.getBalance(BitStampCurrencyPairs.ETHEUR);
//Get all transactions that you have done in BitStamp.
String transactions=api.getMyTransactions();
//Get your open orders in BitStamp.
String openOrders=api.getOpenOrders();
All operations of the API are available except all relating to depositing and withdrawing operations.
** All operations return a String with the JSON response of the server, It is responsability of the user parse and check the JSON.**
import com.diego_hernando.bitStamp_java_lib.BitStampCurrencyPairs;
import com.diego_hernando.bitStamp_java_lib.ApiWebsocketTransactions;
import com.diego_hernando.bitStamp_java_lib.WebsocketErrorListener;
import com.diego_hernando.bitStamp_java_lib.WebsocketTradeDoneListener;
//Implementation of listener for errors produced in websocket.
WebsocketErrorListener wbErrListener=new WebsocketErrorListener() {
public void onError(String error, String errorCode, ApiWebsocketTransactions webSocket) {
//Your code
//Implementation of listener for transactions, that are received by websocket.
WebsocketTradeDoneListener wbTradeDoneListener=new WebsocketTradeDoneListener() {
public void onTradeDone(String jsonTrade, BitStampCurrencyPairs tradingPair) {
//Your code
ApiWebsocketTransactions wbs=new BitStampAPI().getWebSocketOfTransactions(wbErrListener,wbTradeDoneListener);
//The method openChannel, only opens a chanel to receive data of the BitStamp currency pair passed by argument.
//The method openAllChannels opens chanels to receive data of all BitStamp currency pairs.
//Connect websocket
//Disconnect websocket
This implementation recconect automatically. Unless it suffers a irrecoverable error, in that case It executes the method onError of WebsocketErrorListener.
If you want to run the test, you will need a BitStamp account and create an access to the API, and complete with your access data the fields of ApiLoginDataTest.java before to execute BitStampAPITest.java.
If you want to execute test with maven input this in the console:
mvn test
Now this project is in beta, the buying and selling operations need to be tested in depth.
And in a future implement public open data operations with the websocket API.
Any contributions are highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.
MIT License.