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This class represents calcium imaging data, associated labels, raw traces, and other related properties. It extends from the DataWriter class, which seems to be imported from neuropy.core.datawriter.
- S, C, A, YrA (np.ndarray): Calcium imaging data arrays.
- trim (dict or None): Information for trimming data.
- t (various types, optional): Time associated with the data.
- sampling_rate (int, default: 15): Sampling rate for the calcium imaging data.
- neuron_ids (various types, optional): IDs referencing original numbers from minian output.
- neuron_type (various types, optional): Type or classification of the neuron.
- metadata (various types, optional): Additional metadata associated with the data.
- basedir (str or Path, optional): Base directory for the data.
- posthocmerge (dict or None, optional): Information regarding post-hoc merging of data.
plot_rois(...) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes, List]:
- Plots regions of interest (ROIs) based on several optional parameters including labels, axes, mask plotting, and highlighting.
max_proj() -> Any:
- Returns the maximum projection for the session. It appears to grab this data from an external directory.
roi_com(neuron_inds=None) -> np.ndarray:
- Returns the center-of-mass of all neuron ROIs.
min_proj(proj_type: str) -> Any:
- Returns the appropriate minimum projection.
plot_proj(proj_type: str, ax=None, flip_yaxis=False):
- Plots the specified type of projection.
- Plots ROIs over the maximum projection alongside the minimum projection. This is primarily used for data quality control purposes.
- Placeholder method intended to plot traces. Implementation in this file does nothing.
- Placeholder method intended to plot both traces and ROIs. Current implementation does nothing.
quick_merge(unit_ids: list, method="max") -> CaNeurons:
- Quickly merges units post-hoc. The method allows for merging of multiple neuron units either based on the maximum value or other methods (although only "max" is implemented currently).
# Assuming the CaNeurons class and necessary imports are available
# Create a CaNeurons instance
data = CaNeurons(S=np.array([...]), C=np.array([...]), A=np.array([...]), YrA=np.array([...]))
# Plot regions of interest
data.plot_rois(neuron_inds=[0, 1, 2], label=True)
- Some functions within the class rely on external utilities and functions such as load_variable, detect_roi_edges, detect_roi_centroid, and flatten.
Code focusing on tracking and manipulating neurons across multiple imaging sessions.
caneurons: A list containing data structures for each calcium imaging session.
alias: An optional list providing identifiers or names for each session.
nsessions: The number of imaging sessions (derived from the length of caneurons
quick_merge(self, sesh_alias, in_place=False, kwargs):
- Merges neurons for a given session.
- Inputs:
- sesh_alias: Identifier for the session.
- in_place: If True, updates the session in caneurons with the merged result.
- Returns: Merged neurons for the session.
get_session(self, sesh_alias: str):
- Retrieves data for a specific session.
- Inputs:
- sesh_alias: Identifier for the session.
- Returns: Data for the specified session.
get_alias_index(self, sesh_alias: str):
- Gets the index of a session based on its alias.
- Inputs:
- sesh_alias: Identifier for the session.
- Returns: Index of the specified session.
plot_rois_across_sessions(self, fig_title="", sesh_plot: list or None = None, kwargs):
- Plots ROIs across different sessions.
- Inputs:
- fig_title: Title for the figure.
- sesh_plot: List of sessions to plot.
- Returns: Plot figure and axes.
plot_reg_neurons_overlaid(self, sesh1, sesh2, map1_2, plot_max=True, ax=None, color=None):
- Overlays neurons from two sessions on a plot.
- Inputs:
- sesh1 and sesh2: Identifiers for the two sessions.
- map1_2: DataFrame mapping neurons between the two sessions.
- Returns: Change in center-of-mass for mapped neurons.
- Overlays a single ROI from one session on all ROIs from another.
- Returns: None.
shift_roi_edges(roi_edges: plt.Line2D, delta_com: np.ndarray, use_mean: bool = True):
- Adjusts plotted ROI edges by a given amount.
- Inputs:
- roi_edges: List of plotted ROI edges.
- delta_com: Shift amounts for ROI edges.
- Returns: None.
- Loads a pairwise neuron map from a file into a DataFrame.
- Inputs:
- map_np_filename: Filename of the map.
- Returns: DataFrame containing the map.
load_pairwise_map(self, sesh1, sesh2):
- Description: Loads a pairwise neuron map between two sessions from a file.
- Inputs:
- sesh1 and sesh2: Identifiers for the two sessions.
- Returns: Loaded pairwise map.
# Example data
session1_data = ...
session2_data = ...
# Create an instance of the CaNeuronReg class
neuron_registry = CaNeuronReg(caneurons=[session1_data, session2_data], alias=['session1', 'session2'])
# quick_merge(self, sesh_alias, in_place=False, **kwargs)
merged_neurons = neuron_registry.quick_merge(sesh_alias='session1', in_place=True)
# get_session(self, sesh_alias: str)
merged_neurons = neuron_registry.quick_merge(sesh_alias='session1', in_place=True)
# get_session(self, sesh_alias: str)
session_data = neuron_registry.get_session(sesh_alias='session1')
# get_alias_index(self, sesh_alias: str)
session_index = neuron_registry.get_alias_index(sesh_alias='session1')
# plot_rois_across_sessions(self, fig_title="", sesh_plot: list or None = None, **kwargs)
fig, ax = neuron_registry.plot_rois_across_sessions(fig_title="ROIs Across Sessions", sesh_plot=['session1', 'session2'])
# plot_reg_neurons_overlaid(self, sesh1, sesh2, map1_2, plot_max=True, ax=None, color=None)
delta_com = neuron_registry.plot_reg_neurons_overlaid(sesh1='session1', sesh2='session2', map1_2=...)
# overlay_base_roi_on_reg(...)
# shift_roi_edges(roi_edges: plt.Line2D, delta_com: np.ndarray, use_mean: bool = True)
neuron_registry.shift_roi_edges(roi_edges=..., delta_com=...)
# load_pairwise_np_map(map_np_filename)
neuron_map = neuron_registry.load_pairwise_np_map(map_np_filename="map_filename.npy")
# load_pairwise_map(self, sesh1, sesh2)
pairwise_map = neuron_registry.load_pairwise_map(sesh1='session1', sesh2='session2')
- Some details, like specific data types or exact method behaviors, are inferred from the code and may require actual implementation context to fully understand.
Save pairwise neuron registration maps
- map (pd.DataFrame) - DataFrame containing the pairwise mapping.
- animal (str) - Name of the animal.
- sesh1 (str) - Name of the first session.
- sesh2 (str) - Name of the second session.
- trim1 (str) - Trim attribute of the first session.
- trim2 (str) - Trim attribute of the second session.
- merge1 - Posthoc merge attribute of the first session.
- merge2 - Posthoc merge attribute of the second session.
- savename (pathlib.Path) - Path where the map will be saved.
- Inputs
- savename (str or pathlib.Path, optional) - Name of the save file.
- Returns: Saves the object to a numpy file.
Class to load maps for more than one pair of sessions
- maps (list) - List of PairwiseMap objects.
multi_sesh_map (pd.DataFrame or None) - Map of multiple sessions. Initialized to
grab_map(sesh_pair_names, coactive_only=False)
- Parameters:
- sesh_pair_names (list of str) - List containing names of two sessions.
- coactive_only (bool, optional) - If True
, only returns mappings that are coactive.
- Returns: The appropriate pairwise map or None if that session pair doesn't exist.
- Gets session maps going backwards in time.
- Inputs:
- sesh_pair_names (list of str) - List containing names of two sessions.
- Returns: (Currently not implemented)
- Registers each session in order to the next.
- Inputs:
- kwargs - Arguments for the
- kwargs - Arguments for the
- Returns: Stepwise registered map.
- It is essential to ensure that the session order provided matches the order in the pairwise maps.
- Function to load a saved pairwise map
- Parameters:
- map_path (str or pathlib.Path) - Path to the saved pairwise map.
- Returns:
- Loaded PairwiseMap object.
id_and_plot_reference_cells(caneurons1, caneurons2, return_inds=False, kwargs)
- Function to identify and plot reference cells active across both sessions.
- Inputs:
- caneurons1 (CaNeurons object) - Object for the first session.
- caneurons2 (CaNeurons object) - Object for the second session.
- return_inds (bool, optional) - If True, returns indices of the reference neurons.
- kwargs - Additional arguments for the CaNeurons.plot_rois method.
- Returns:
- Figure and axis objects. Optionally, also returns session indices.
detect_roi_edges(roi_binary, kwargs)
- Function to detect the edges of roi.
- Inputs:
- roi_binary (np.ndarray) - Binary mask of the ROI.
- kwargs - Additional arguments for the feature.canny function.
- Returns:
- xedges (np.ndarray) - X coordinates of the edges.
- yedges (np.ndarray) - Y coordinates of the edges.
detect_roi_centroid(roi_binary, kwargs)
- Function to detect the centroid of a cell ROI.
- Inputs:
- roi_binary (np.ndarray) - Binary mask of the ROI.
- kwargs - Not currently used.
- Returns:
- com_x (float) - X coordinate of the centroid.
- com_y (float) - Y coordinate of the centroid.
- Always validate the output of the ROI detection functions visually, especially in complex or noisy images.
- artifact.py
- brainstates.py
- decoders.py
- laps.py
- ms_connectivity.py
- neurons_correlation.py
- neurons_stability.py
- oscillations.py
- placefields.py
- reactivation.py
- spkepochs.py
- time_dependent_placefields.py
- trace_fc.py
- animal.py
- ca_neurons.py
- datawriter.py
- epoch.py
- event.py
- neurons.py
- position.py
- probe.py
- ratemap.py
- signal.py
- binarysignalio.py
- dlcio.py
- minianio.py
- miniscopeio.py
- movie.py
- neuroscopeio.py
- openyphysio.py
- optitrackio.py
- phyio.py
- spykingcircusio.py
- usvio.py
- ca_events.py
- dataviz.py
- epochs.py
- figure.py
- placemaps.py
- position.py
- probe.py
- ratemaps.py
- signals.py
- spikes.py
- align_util.py
- ccg.py
- ccg_gpu.py
- chunkingData.py
- colors_util.py
- debug_helpers.py
- decoding.py
- dynamic_container.py
- efficient_interval_search.py
- eventCorr.py
- load_exported.py
- manipulate_files.py
- mathuil.py
- matplotlib_helpers.py
- minian_util.py
- miniscope_denoise.py
- misc.py
- neurons_util.py
- plot_util.py
- position_util.py
- probe_util.py
- result_context.py
- signal_process.py