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Activities Recorder


The Activities Recorder app lets you easily track your activities in real time using a stopwatch. It also has a calendar that shows all your recorded activities by day, along with their start and end times. You can edit or delete recorded activities whenever you need to.

Live Demo 🚀

Key Features:

  • Record start and end dates from an activity.
  • Update activity name.
  • Delete activity.
  • Check activities in Calendar

Table of contents


  • Vite;
  • React;
  • Typescript;
  • Redux;
  • SCSS;
  • ESLint;
  • Prettier;
  • Vitest;
  • react-testing-library;



  1. Clone the repository
    $ git clone
  2. Install packages
    $ npm i
  3. Add env variable to connect with the API
  1. Start app
    $ npm start


  1. This app is build with fake json-server deployed in Vercel. You will need to create a new repository and follow json-server-vercel instructions.
  • Database json should follow the following structure example:
  "events": [
      "title": "event 1",
      "dateStart": "2023-07-17T15:48:02.499Z",
      "dateEnd": "2023-07-17T15:48:08.720Z",
      "id": 1
  1. In order to be able to POST, PUT and DELETE successfully in the fake api, you just need to add the following code top of the file /api/server.js.
const fs = require("fs")
const path = require("path")
const db = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join("db.json")))
  • And update router to use the db
const router = jsonServer.router(db)
  1. After deploying to vercel add api url to VITE_APP_API_BASE_URL env variable


This repo is a result of a migration from create-react-app to vite. You can check previous project here: project here: